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Papusan last won the day on January 30

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    Per A. Christiansen

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  1. Nice to see results. As the nVIDIA RTX4090 cards must use ECC enabled. @qjak Do you see if this settings can be enabled in nvidia app for 5090? Would be nice to get some answers if this would be needed for 5000 series cards. Better clarirfy this in good time before the results start coming. @Leeghoofd Have you clarified this or is it too early? Thanks
  2. Yes it is. Pict in the results Edit. And with the 1080 Ti as in the specs
  3. Good score. But read the rules. (nVIDIA RTX4090 cards must use ECC enabled) https://hwbot.org/rules?referenceId=5169 Edit. You can enable ECC in Nvidia Control panel. This rule is only for 4090 graphics cards.
  4. (AA/LOD/TESS NOT ALLOWED) in 3DM Cloud Gate. Please read the rules.
  5. (AA/LOD/TESS NOT ALLOWED) in 3DM Sky Diver. Please read the rules.
  6. (AA/LOD/TESS NOT ALLOWED) in 3DM Sky Diver. Please read the rules.
  7. (AA/LOD/TESS NOT ALLOWED) in 3DM Sky Diver. Please read the rules.
  8. (AA/LOD/TESS NOT ALLOWED) in 3DM Cloud Gate. Please read the rules.
  9. Hi. Please read the rules for 3D benchmarks. Especially with RTX 4090 (nVIDIA RTX4090 cards must use ECC enabled). You can enable ECC in NCP. https://hwbot.org/rules?referenceId=5169 https://hwbot.org/benchmarkRules
  10. Why ranked in Global 8 Cores GPU ? Not sure what's up. https://hwbot.org/submission/5696127
  11. I would rather change and have light grey boxes and white background if we need change GUI and format. And the result boxes need to be smaller. They are too dominant and you lose fast info. The different points/ranking is spread all over now. We need them closer together. And I prefer the old way have the verfication link right in the results with the screenshoot. Not on top as now. The old is so much better. The big white result boxes in the new GUI is a problem.
  12. A question for the new GUI. Before, we could see results also from my other hardware done with the same benchmark. If I etc posted an Fire strike result with my GTX 1080 I could also see my best results from my other graphics cards I have done in that specific benchmark (in the right below corner of the sub). Is that something we can get back? Thanks. I also feel that the pages are harder to read now with the new GUI and info is more spread around in big boxes.
  13. In short. Damage the cards for benchmarks then repair it afterwards. Not so sure many know about this problem with 4090’’s and the fix🙂 Regardless. This shouldn’t be needed if we got benchmark software that worked properly.
  14. With the much cheaper 4060-4060Ti-4070-4070Ti-4070Ti Super and 4080 and 4080 Super you are good. No ECC mem settings to Enable for Hwbot. This ECC corruption disaster only apply for the $2000 4090’s🤠 Yup, I looking forwards to a possible fix. Both for the benchmark and hardware.
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