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Everything posted by Massman

  1. Can I take that as a 'no' on the 'I want my results back'-request?
  2. You should make a song of those two words.
  3. No, we don't; physX is not allowed as per rule.
  4. Ah, I notice you are really want to get back. Let's get one thing straight then. Either you get back and show some respect from HWBOT itself, the staff and the result moderators or you don't come back at all. Clear?!
  5. Since we have no possibility to rank scores with two graphic cards, you need to submit them in the category of the most performant card. In case of 8800GTX+GTX580 you must submit it as "2x GTX580"
  6. @ Christian Ney: check out the part of the 'Hardware Library' We haven't exactly pinned down what criteria to handle for competitions; I guess that's something we'll figure out as we go along. I could imagine, however, user-created competitions to get the status of level1 even if it's live or anything like that. It's important that even the basic competitions are open (to a certain extend). Having a live 'worldwide' competition with 5 invited overclockers would not be considered 'open'. The reason why we only accept our own competitions and those of partners as valid competitions is because there's a communication line between us and our partners. This means that we can provide our opinion on the competition format and, if necessary, point out problems and give suggestions to fix them. For competitions held by non-partners at external websites we do not have this option. In addition, it's also easier to manage: in our database we can check or uncheck a box and points will automatically be awarded to participants. With external websites, this becomes a whole lot more difficult. Thirdly, of course it's also an evil scheme to get manufacturers to start supporting HWBOT. HWBOT still is a non-profit organisation and we expect funding for this project to come from vendors and those who benefit commercially (directly or indirectly) from HWBOT. Of course not contributing for the competition points is not the strongest argument for those parties to support us, but even if it helps for one percent I think it's okay.
  7. Most likely yes. Money's not the main reason, though.
  8. Official HWBOT competitions, like those organised by HWBOT itself (hwbot oc challenge) or by partners.
  9. No.
  10. Changed your flag :)

  11. !! Important note !! Competition scheme adjusted slightly; each stage lasts 15/16 days - last stage starts when first stage ends.
  12. The competition points allocated to the user total will, unlike what the tech doc states, not be limited to a specific percentage or a cap. We plan to give and take away competition points based on a fixed timeframe. For example: only competition points obtained in the last 3 months will be allocated to your personal account. The weight of the different competition types will be evaluated once we have the new point scheme up and running. As for the second remark: part of the reason why we will lock results is to reduce the amount of recalculation errors. The engine works very well with new submissions, but updating sometimes give a problem. Another reason is that we want to provide the end-user with charts as accurate as possible; nowadays you can update your air cooling result when you ran LN2 and the air cooling data is lost which means less charting data. Lastly, we also want to provide as much reference scores as possible which could be used for this feature in the future: http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=13635. The above feature could, by the way, also serve as an error-correcting mechanism to reward 'better' scores with more points.
  13. Just wanted to share this document with you since it contains some features that have been requested in the last couple of days. This PDF was created for the staff meeting of roughly 10 days ago. In that meeting, we discussed the more technical details of the upcoming revision to find out whether they are technically possible and, of course, possible within the time-frame (end of february). Most of what's in the document is effectively planned, but of course it's always possible certain features turn out to be more time-extensive than originally planned and are postponed to a next revision. In any case, here's the link: HWBOT Rev4 Tech
  14. Damn you! Spreading all the info of rev4!
  15. Already planned for rev4 .
  16. Cool stuff!
  17. Part of historical research is dealing with insufficient data and/or proof. One of the assumptions of the research will undoubtelly be that the screenshots and reports we find pre-2005 are correct until proven otherwise. SuperPI runs without all the CPU-Z information will be added to the archive if there's enough circumstancial evidence that the score is correct.
  18. Just an example of how thorough Japanese overclockers are when reporting about overclocking capabilities, even back in the old days: http://homepage1.nifty.com/~goemon/pc/128sdram.htm Photographs, details of the chips, voltage used and overclocking results ... simply amazing!
  19. That was my initial idea as well: provide a complaint channel through which original owners can remove their data from the HWBOT server if necessary. I'm not sure, however, if that covers the legal part of this.
  20. I've already tried to launch this idea through XS, but no one posted to the thread. So, new try here at HWBOT. The idea is simple: overclocking has been around for many years and existed long before HWBOT was around to collect historical data on overclocking achievements. The earliest HWBOT data is from 2006 (I think that's when the site switched to a new database model/server/idontknow), but there are many overclocking results dating from even before 2000. This kind of information is vital for an accurate historical overview of overclocking as well as overclocking results. Example (May 1998): http://homepage2.nifty.com/Katsuya/199805report.htm The idea is really simple. HWBOT sets up a subdomain as historical archive where users can share information on old overclocking results. The way I see this, these are the things we need archive: - overclocking websites (blog/ranking/...) - overclocking results (maxClock/superpi/...) - overclocking modifications (voltmod/turbopll/software/...) There are a few problems, though. The first problem is that it goes against one of HWBOT's main principles which dictates that we do not feed our database with results that are not submitted to the database by the owner of the result. Although this is an important principle, perhaps we can make an exception for historical records achieved, let's say, pre-2006 or 'older than 5 years'. Secondly, the results would serve only as historical data which means it would be linked to a hardware category, but will not generate or affect points in any way. Since it's historical data, we will also need to have reference to the records. This meaning that you cannot just submit any record without proof of the result and of course date. A sub-problem of this is that sometimes websites go offline and we need services like WebArchive to access information. It's possible that one day that service will also stop working which means that all the sources would return invalid urls. Another option is to download and re-store the website pages for historical review. That brings us at the last and most prominent issue: copyrights. Storing screenshots and possible entire web pages without the permission of the author is basically stealing. Since I have no legal background, I don't know how this can be worked around, so I'm very much open to suggestions from people who know how this would work in court. Any ideas?
  21. Good suggestion! With rev4, we'll make the benchmark overview a bit more clear and split up in three levels of benchmarks: - global - hardware - beta
  22. I've edit the results in the database (~ 37 entries where E6750 is marked 4-core). In the next engine loop, ranks and points should be adjusted. As for the odd rankings/duplicates - I think the problem is the sorting rather than duplicate entries.
  23. Something I always wonder ... who are the people that are an inspiration for others to get into overclocking. Post your list of maximum 3 global and local overclockers that inspired you to start this crazy hobby!
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