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Everything posted by Massman

  1. AMD only team? cool
  2. In this thread we maintain a list of helpful overclocking guides for overclocking Z170 and Skylake CPUs. The list consists of English and international languages, written and video, general and detailed overclocking stuff. Feel free to post a message with links to other guides! English Guides - General Skylake Overclocking ROG Maximus VIII Series Guide by Coolice: http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=142991 & http://www.mediafire.com/view/s1d3wtulam1bku7/ocguide0722c.pdf Xtremesystems Official ASRock z170 OC Formula guide by Splave: http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?292331-***Official-ASRock-z170-OC-Formula-Finger-Pop-OC-Bonanza-UKNOWDAT-Edition-FTW-ETC*** Skylake Overclocking Power Consumption and Voltage Scaling by Overclocking.guide: http://overclocking.guide/skylake-overclocking-power-consumption-and-voltage-scaling/ Skylake Overclocking Guide at Overclock.net: http://www.overclock.net/t/1570313/skylake-overclocking-guide-with-statistics Intel SkyLake Overclocking Guide by Myce.com: http://club.myce.com/f184/intel-skylake-overclocking-guide-339700/ Overclocking Support Thread for MSI Z170A XPOWER GAMING TE: http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=146382 TweakTown's Ultimate Intel Skylake Overclocking Guide: http://www.tweaktown.com/guides/7481/tweaktowns-ultimate-intel-skylake-overclocking-guide/index.html English Guides - Specific and Advanced Overclocking Advanced Skylake Overclocking: Tune DDR4 Memory RTL/IO on Maximus VIII by Alex@ro: http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=144618 MSI Z170A Xpower Titanium Cold Hynix by Strat: http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=144758 International Guides [Guide] Intel Skylake Overclocking Anleitung 6600K 6700K by Der8auer (Germany): http://extreme.pcgameshardware.de/overclocking-prozessoren/400253-guide-intel-skylake-overclocking-anleitung-6600k-6700k.html Intel Skylake Basic Overclocking Guide Part 2: Intel HD Graphics 530 OC by JagatOC (Indonesian): http://www.jagatoc.com/2015/09/intel-skylake-basic-overclocking-guide-part-2-intel-hd-graphics-530-oc/ Video Guides LinusTechTips (Vessel): https://www.vessel.com/videos/OjS4Bp5kU
  3. Best 10 competition results in the past 365 days. So a year from now, all the points will be refreshed for everyone.
  4. Updated statistics (and using tables now!) Z170 Statistics 2145 overclocking results 254 overclockers 44 motherboards used 87 motherboads 8 motherboard manufacturers [table=head]{colsp=2}Hardware Statistics Top-5 Motherboard Brands | ASUS, MSI, ASRock, GIGABYTE, EVGA Top-5 Mainboards (users) | ASUS Maximus VIII Gene, ASUS Maximus VIII Hero, MSI Z170A Gaming M7, MSI Z170A Gaming M5, ASUS Z170-Deluxe Top-5 Mainboards (submissions) | ASUS Maximus VIII Gene, ASUS Maximus VIII Hero, ASRock Z170 Extreme4, MSI Z170A Gaming M7, MSI Z170A Gaming M5 Top-5 Memory Brand | G.SKILL, Kingston, Corsair, Crucial, HyperX Top-5 CPU SKU | Core i7 6700K, Core i5 6600K, Core i5 6500, Core i7 6700 Top-5 CPU Cooling | AIO Water (32.10%), Liquid Nitrogen (25.89%), Water cooling (20.97%), Air cooling (7.95%), Phase Change (4.54%)[/table] [table=head]{colsp=2}Community Statistics Most Active User | Digg_de, 201 submissions Most Active Team | Hardwareluxx.de, 251 submissions Most Active Country | Germany, 330 submissions Highest Variety CPUs by User | 16 overclockers, 2 CPUs Highest Variety CPUs by Team | Rookies of Australia, 3 CPUs Highest Variety CPUs by Country | Australia, 3 CPUs Highest Variety Motherboards by User | Leeghoofd, Kaidtor, Fugger, dRweEz, ChironX, Hazzan, Acm_fan, 3 motherboards Highest Variety Motherboards by Team | Rookies of United States, 15 motherboards Highest Variety Motherboards by Country | United States, 20 motherboards[/table]
  5. General Information The Teams League is the only leaderboard that ranks communities by their overclocking strength. Each overclocker member of the team contributes to the team’s points in two ways. First, there are the Team PowerPoints which are awarded to the best score of the team in any benchmark or hardware ranking. Second, a tenth of the total member points also contributes to the team. Thus, the formula to calculate the Team League is as follows: TL = SUM [ALL(TeamPowerPoints) + 1/10 (member points)] You can find the Teams League here: http://hwbot.org/league/teams Latest Standings
  6. General Information The Overclockers League is the most prominent leaderboard at HWBOT. Developed by former staff member Mtzki and introduced in 2006, the League has undergone many updates to accomodate all aspects of overclocking. In its current form, the League is based on three parameters: benchmark rankings, hardware rankings, and competitions. Your Overclockers League score is calculated as follows: OCL = SUM [Top15(benchmark) + Top20(hardware) + Top10(competition)] The League is sub-divided in five categories, depending on your status in the overclocking world. There are: Elite, Extreme, Enthusiast, Novice, and Rookie overclockers. Each class has its own leaderboard, but the points are all based on the same algorithms and points. The classes are defined as follows: Elite: The top crop of the overclocking world – compete with LN2, engineering samples and connected to the hardware industry. Extreme: Compete with all types of extreme cooling and use retail hardware. Not backed by the hardware industry. Enthusiast: Use only ambient cooling Novice: Use ambient cooling and has been at the site less than one year Rookie: Use ambient cooling and has been at the site less than three months You can find the Overclockers League here: Combined: http://hwbot.org/league/ Elite: http://hwbot.org/leagues/elite Extreme: http://hwbot.org/leagues/extreme Enthusiast: http://hwbot.org/leagues/enthusiast Novice: http://hwbot.org/leagues/novice Rookie: http://hwbot.org/leagues/rookie Let's use this topic to chit-chat about what's going on in the leagues! Latest Standings :celebration:
  7. News BIOSes uploaded - ASRock Z170 OC Formula --- 1.43A: download --- 1.42C: download - GIGABYTE Z170X-UD3 --- F4b: download - GIGABYTE Z170XP-SLI --- F4g: download - GIGABYTE Z170X-Gaming GT --- F4f: download - GIGABYTE Z170X-Gaming G1 --- F5a: download --- F4: download --- F4q: download - GIGABYTE Z170X-Gaming 7 --- F5d: download - GIGABYTE Z170X-Gaming 5 --- F4b: download - GIGABYTE Z170X-Gaming 3 --- F4b: download - GIGABYTE Z170X-UD5 TH --- F2: download - GIGABYTE Z170-HD3P --- F4a: download --- F3: download - GIGABYTE Z170-HD3 --- F5a: download --- F4: download - GIGABYTE Z170-D3H --- F4b: download --- F3: download - GIGABYTE G1.Sniper Z170 --- F2: download
  8. Can you change the language settings to use the US settings? (so the decimal symbol is '.' instead of ',') I really hope this bug isn't back again ...
  9. Ooh, this should be interesting. Haven't seen too many DDR3 results on Skylake. I wonder how they stack up against DDR4.
  10. Also 2 French overclockers in the top-5
  11. Gradus, Trodas: I like your enthusiasm, but your request fit a lot better in the "Old School is Best School" competition The goal for this competition is to use low-end, current generation graphics cards and have fun with them. The goal is not to limit everything ...
  12. Cool. It will take me a while to write the queries again to generate the tables efficiently. I'll do it progressively over the next couple of months ... hehe
  13. Just posting to say thanks in advance for this thread. Should another epic one featuring the Teachings of Bullant
  14. For the "old school" version, just send PM to me or xxbassplayerxx. For the extreme ones ... no idea.
  15. Hm, okay. The sidebar is a bit obnoxious on the mobile (with regular style) though. But then again, it's also not awesome on desktop
  16. Oh, right. Click on the head of each column to sort the table
  17. Trying the new tables in the OP. Let me know if this is better, or you prefer the list.
  18. Hey guys, So quick update on the forum progress: I've added BBcode to support tables. I'm not sure why it's not showing up in the advanced manager yet, but I'll try to fix that. Here is the guide on how to use it: Example [/table="head;autonum=1;autonumtitle=Pos.;width=100%"]Score|Overclocker|CPU|CPU Freq|Memory|Mem Freq|Mem Timings|{colsp=2}Motherboard|Link 358.156|l0ud_sil3nc3|Core i7 6700K|5002.45MHz||1802.7|11-15-15-28|ASRock||[url=http://hwbot.org/submission/2943352]link[/url] 366.906|NAMEGT|Core i7 6700K|5000.00 MHz||3332.7|CL14-16-16-28 1T|ASUS|Maximus VIII Gene|[url=http://hwbot.org/submission/2944323]link[/url] 369.346|Digg_de|Core i7 6700K|5000.00 MHz||3200||ASRock|Z170 Extreme4|[url=http://hwbot.org/submission/2953045]link[/url] 385.491|Digg_de|Core i7 6700K|4900.00 MHz||3200||||[url='http://hwbot.org/submission/ 2948779 _']link[/url] 389.236|Digg_de|Core i7 6700K|4900.00 MHz||3200||||[url='http://hwbot.org/submission/ 2948709 _']link[/url] 397.495|Hades|Core i5 6600K|4900.00 MHz||2800 MHz|15 17 17 37|ASRock|Z170 Extreme6|[url='http://hwbot.org/submission/ 2954713 _']link[/url] 410.000|Ziken|Core i7 6700K|4800.00 MHz||||||[url=http://hwbot.org/submission/2942656_]link[/url] Table: [table=head;autonum=1;autonumtitle=Pos.;width=100%]Score|Overclocker|CPU|CPU Freq|Memory|Mem Freq|Mem Timings|{colsp=2}Motherboard|Link 358.156|l0ud_sil3nc3|Core i7 6700K|5002.45MHz||1802.7|11-15-15-28|ASRock||link 366.906|NAMEGT|Core i7 6700K|5000.00 MHz||3332.7|CL14-16-16-28 1T|ASUS|Maximus VIII Gene|link 369.346|Digg_de|Core i7 6700K|5000.00 MHz||3200||ASRock|Z170 Extreme4|link 385.491|Digg_de|Core i7 6700K|4900.00 MHz||3200||||link 389.236|Digg_de|Core i7 6700K|4900.00 MHz||3200||||link 397.495|Hades|Core i5 6600K|4900.00 MHz||2800 MHz|15 17 17 37|ASRock|Z170 Extreme6|link 410.000|Ziken|Core i7 6700K|4800.00 MHz||||||link [/table] Enjoy! :celebration:
  19. Also trying out a new mobile style for those who trying to read the forums on the move
  20. Still trying to add some features like the thanks button, sidebar (not sure if useful), improved SEO. I want to add more styling options for forum posts (ie. tables). Anything else you guys want?
  21. Based on this, probably http://www.guru3d.com/content-page/contact-us.html
  22. Grinding XTU for big hardware points - good strategy
  23. He he
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