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Everything posted by harleybro

  1. Just figure I would throw in my two cents. I am sure I have tons of cpu-z screens oc'd that don't show voltage. It used to always happen when pushing the voltage too far. I think I saw it most in FX-57 days.
  2. I would say definately no to mipmap. The CH is actually very low for 810 core. Nature is about on par. Here's a run with cpu at 5200 and I forget 785-790core. Only tweaking was LOD and OS no mipmap used at all. http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k1=9354506
  3. I would definately agree. If one person did buy that many I would definately guess they are a reseller and I am not sure MC is licensed to be a distributer for resellers. Hmmm interesting side note I just checked their site and product is no longer available.
  4. I have never seen an 8500 available in the US. I know me and others have been looking for them. On a side note it is interesting the local MicroCenter had approximately 20 8400's last Wednesday. I went in to buy one Friday and was told a customer came in and bought 19 of them the day before.
  5. Looks like the HOT guys just had some major runs and took a big leap forward. I think it's time for OCX to get to the grind and keep on pushing it! Great battle everyone this has been a blast so far.
  6. As I stated in the comments it should be considered single. The performance of this card and 3870's in crossfire is differant. If they where identical clock for clock then maybe it should be considered crossfire. Changing the rules this late in the game would be a slap in the face to anyone purchasing one of these due to the results they where getting.
  7. I think both of these users results should be looked into for AM3. Unusual for two members of same team to have results for a 7200GS 64mb, 128, and a 256 and all only in AM3. Also both have at least one extremely skewed result. One over 58k and another over 62k on a 64mb card? http://www.hwbot.org/user.do?userId=10009 http://www.hwbot.org/user.do?userId=12191
  8. I question this users AM3 results. I just ran a 7200GS 128MB card with a QX9650 at 4550mhz card at 620/900 the result was just over 35k with DDR3 58K is not possible. http://www.hwbot.org/user.do?userId=12191
  9. Ok how come this result can't be blocked? http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=574722 There is no data at all to say what cpu it is? I have had my T5500 result for Pi removed from my page which had been submitted becaue there was no cpu-z to go along with it.
  10. One of our members: Can you guys change it? It should be 03 and not 05. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=651802
  11. Are links to FM still needed for top 20 results? I know there was discussion about ss but thought you still needed an fm link for top 20 global: http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=648325 Obviously the wrong res on this one: http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=648329 This one might be legit but no cpu/gpu info and no clock rates on either just a ss. http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=648178
  12. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=626714 the screen shows 9.593 not 9 seconds.
  13. I hate to even post this but I am sure he has the right link. I was playing with the 06 calc and checking scores. The verification link here is for 18,4xx not 19k. http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=588607
  14. You might want to check another score also. Both similar CPU clocks: http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=615741 GPU clocks extremely low for nearly the same score http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=628924 Wrong res. on this one: http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=639295
  15. It worked fine for me and I already re-submitted.
  16. Thanks Maxi! I just figured I would pop by and see if there has been any progress made?
  17. No link and in HOF: http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=635144 http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=637624
  18. No of coarse that isn't going to help. I am sure you do ban and for good reasons and also in public isn't a good idea unless there is an uproar. Also I know not every wrong entry is a cheat. I for one posted an 06 score that seemed ridiculously high. Not until later that day or the following did I realize it was due to the 15" monitor and running the test at the wrong res. I immediately pulled the score so yeah accidents do happen. jmke: Sorry if I came off sounding harsh. I don't mean disrespect to you or any of you guys that put hard work into the site. I have put many hours into benching the GTX I am working with to get up near the top. Starting on water with CPU on LN2 then going to vmodded on water adjusting shaders and playing around with various tweaks. Then brief testing with LN2 all while blowing through maybe 500L of LN2 and to see someone come along who appears to be obviously benching on a loaner rig while his friend is standing next to him telling him what works best well that's what gets me. For the guys on the team that work hard to get where we are and yet watch another team breeze up the ranks with what is very likely shared hardware can be a little disheartening. So once again sorry if my posts seem menacing I guess it's just the easiest way for me to pass along my frustration.
  19. HWbot is not expected to be free of cheating but when rules are posted and a member brings something like this up it should be looked into. Maybe the way to resolve it is to make punishments more severe. A temporary account ban or permanent ban of a member caught cheating would be a good way to curb the desire to cheat. If nothing is done then it leads the members to believe that noone cares and they will continue to do so.
  20. It's back again. Scanned by hwbot.
  21. I know this was discussed and said it wasn't allowed. I tried to find where it was posted before. I have been looking through this teams scores http://www.hwbot.org/teamInfo.do?teamId=1546 and it appears there might be some sharing of HW. Today I came across results that almost definately point towards it. There are a few members on this team moving up ranks quickly with GTX and Ultra results. Here's the 01 runs that seem just a little too odd. Identical mobo's identical cpu both LN2 runs and both submitted within 10 minutes of each other? The only thing that changes is the graphics card. Scan date: 11-08-2007 01:19 http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=633206 Scan date: 11-08-2007 01:28 http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=633214 Now for 03: Scan date: 11-08-2007 01:24 http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=633211 Scan date: 11-08-2007 01:30 http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=633216 Then just checking member by member you will find a few members with an X6800 result for say super pi but never use that for 3d benching? Just many similar results and hardware similarities IMHO.
  22. I have a 15" lcd that does the same it will run 06 but it won't allow it to run at the needed res. I solved it by giving my GF the 15" and taking her 17" lol.
  23. No FM link and is HOF top 20: http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=631840
  24. I had a score blocked by you I believe on my account. It was my T5500 32m run which was done a few months ago and just blocked last week. I recieved the email and when I went to check it it was blocked already. The reason being I didn't have a cpu-z. Funny it would come to question since I do have #1 with that cpu in sisoft, wprime 1024, wprime 32, and #2 PiFast. Granted my 1M was slower but I guess it was hard to believe I could have scored in the top 3 don't remmber what place in 32m. As for too fast I guess the following day after an email is sent is the normal time for a result to be removed totally from an account. I had just checked Mayk's account and there was dual scores for 8800GTX SLI in 03 and 06. If it was to show how easy it was to gain points wouldn't someone let a mod or admin know about it here first?
  25. So once again the team can earn points that it has already earned as individuals? If there is a team then I believe no members of the team should be able to submit results for the hardware used on an individual basis. Each run done by the team could easily be submitted under a single users ID and have the team members listed in the description. Ex. If three ppl bench together why not list all 01 scores under one user, all 03 scores under another user, and finally all 05 scores under the last user. If it is such a team effort this shouldn't be too difficult to work out amongst themselves. Maybe unethical but the scores could easily be blocked. This sub-team in question was logged into the forums yesterday afternoon but had nothing to add to the thread.? What is so unethical about blocking scores that are causing so much contraversy until a solution is determined? I agree about the teams but there is one team that made a jump recently and it appears as though results may be being submitted by more then one user. Four out of the top 5 members all have similiar results and similiar HW runs all using LN2. Some runs submitted within a day or two of each other. Mind you this team is comprised of two seperate forums that recently combined. Praz this couldn't have been said any better!
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