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Everything posted by Elkim

  1. Elkim

    Dewar (EU)

    Not looking anymore, lock. Thx.
  2. Bought MOCF from caseking.
  3. Elkim

    [WTB][EU] Cpu Ln2 pot.

    So, you did figure out LN2 supply after all?
  4. Banchetto is now avalible alone for 190€ + shipping. Allready packed and waiting for new owner
  5. Price is open for a discussion
  6. Hez guys, I'am looking for strong single-rail PSU for LN2 980Ti OC. Min. 1200W+ Seasonic, Corsair, Antec, Superflower prefered... Need shipping to Czech Republic Thanks, Mike
  7. Hey guys, I'am looking for good Z170 mobo, ASUS MAXIMUS IMPACT or ASROCK MOCF. Need shipping to Czech Republic. Could be used and prepared for cold, I don't mind. Thanks for any offers
  8. Elkim


    Just FYI, I asked him for fb friendship and he accepted immediately, also he posted new products today. Try to contact him at fb. https://www.facebook.com/andrea.dimas.9?fref=ts
  9. Just wait, I made my first LN2 submitt yesterday too and I had no pts until few hours ago.
  10. Hey, guys, I am selling my Banchetto benchtable Few photos, equiped and stripped: All in mint condition about 6 months old. Lets go for 190€ + shipping. EU DPD CLASSIC for a good price, 20€ top , maybe less for Poland, Germany, Austria I might be interested in trade with additional payment. I'am looking for good Z170 board. mostly M8I or MOCF, strong single rail PSU, some k-probe thermometers. Cheers, Mike
  11. Can I have a photo and possible shipped price to Czech Republic of that 3)? tHANKS
  12. Hey, George, whats the ASIC?
  13. Elkim

    Dewar (EU)

    Hey guys, I'am looking for a dewar to buy. EU only because of import charges, taxes and shipping. I require very, very and very well packaging to be sure the dewar will come to me in perfect condition, also that is what I'am looking for, lets say with leakage about max 0.3l/24h. The size could vary, I'am most intersted in 25-30l or so. Also, preferable type is storage/transport one. No idea about price, jsut FYI, I can have brand new 32l with storage-time capacity 140days for 900€ with tax. Thanks, Elkim
  14. I'am taking that nice n shiny thing, I just sold my 5930k at the expense of this
  15. Do you know ambient OC? For example @ 1.4V? //edit Please, do a reservation for me
  16. 5.4 what cooling/voltage? //edit and how much shipped to Czech Republic (Europe)? I'am very interested...
  17. Actually, I think that OC can be sold. Also overclocker himself. Its just matter of how can you sell it, how can you sell yourself, bit of marketings skills and open-minded thinking. Lol, everything can be sold and may have use on the market, even the world's biggest bullshits. Why not OC? I'll be the freelance overclocker one day, thats what I have in my mind, and I kinda believe in that
  18. I guess only Vince has LN2 for daily bread But still, you got your degree, but you could create whatever else with it not related to XOC. The beauty comes when the hobby returns the time, effort, dedication and money you put it and it gives you back, even if small portion of it. I resell HW, which is part of my living and because I like HW, It feels good. What feels even better is, that I did some delids, OC tuning and other OC stuff related and I get paid for it. I have family too so my hobby comes in second, but if my hobby can pay for it itself, its awesome, even in small scale case like mine. I think that earning money by binning while looking for golden jewel is awesome I hope, that one day will come, and if someone ask some of us, what do we do for living, we say "Pouring liquid nitrogen in computer, mate" and wait for the wtf look And if and when it happens, the HWBOT will have significant role in the whole thing So lets do it right
  19. @websmile Even less, guys buys 4 TX at the release, adjust a clock on air a bit and thats the way how to rule Enthusiast ladder (not much but still giving the points). And I'am sure that some of them just wont enter extreme/elite, because they wouldnt be at first places suddenly Hows that different in matter of budget from a real PRO OC with hard approach who buys 10 boxes of 6700k, keep best one, sold rest and rebuy? I'am not there personally, I hope I will and I see it as part of today overclocking:)
  20. Say that to all those dead IGP's died just while ago. @websmile Ok, man. As I said before this, if someone doesn't come with any brilliant idea, just leave the cooling verification alone. People complaining about guys binning chips, but they do the same in lesser scale in Enthusiastic league.
  21. @websmile I still think that piece of paper added to photo as verification is kinda bulletproof. We all have smartphones with camera, we all have piece of paper and pen. If its still enought, just add some "captcha" RNG number in the point of submitting the score which is valid for 5 mins and "data" has to match the submit. Thoughts?
  22. George, how did you determined, that Dancop does benching for the money? Maybe you know him better then I do, but I don't think he is benching for earning. As far as I know, he has his daily job, he has family. Lets do some logic. First off all, binning is no serious business unless you have the perfect way to get rid of the rejects. Second, you need a big chunk of money to do binning for earning the money. And binning takes time, alot of it. I did the math man... Third, we all know this hobby is expensive as f*ck, and if there is a little bit way to make some revenue of the money we are all putting in this godloving hobby, we all should and will do it. The better example is Roman, but I don't think, that the fact he is making money is the main thing. He is just that good, that he managed to turn his hobby to also earning the money for the living. Also, I don't know him that good either, so I can't say really. As for the issue of binning itself. Yes, there are two sides of the coin. But mainly, I think its matter of approach. I'am not that rich neither I don't have budget for binning right now, nor alot of guys have. When I'am trying to involve some guys into this, they said, that it doesn't make sense because you actually can't compete guys with LN2 and few 1/200 binned chips and they give up before start. But hey, lets these PRO OC guys speaking. Roman, Daniel, Allen, Michael, Hazzan and all the others. When they started with XOC or just OC itself, had they ever thinking about binning? I guess no, its all part of the progress and evolve as overclocker himself. So yes, the competetion itself may seems to be a little unfair but I think, it isn't. This is just how world works in all ways. This whole thing is appears to be so complicated but it isn't really. I would do it as Splave said. You wan't to submit samples? Then enter Elite. Simple, simple, simple...
  23. ^^ what he said... I tried to involve some new guys into this, but 9 of 10 gave up after few mins, cos its complicated, they said. Not they're stupid or lazy (maybe a little) but first come not-simple, first feel overwhelmed.
  24. If I understood the idea the right way, I like it. I assembled together over the time very good two loops with two MORAs 4x180mm and I run them outside on the terrace. These days I'am about to enter extreme league but I would like to compete with water, because sometimes water OC may come easier where voltmods are needed and my external-watercooled-plug n play workbench is more easy to work with then with LN2. As for water (non)chilled issue, its hard to determine what should be the cross-temp because me, personally, I can set the temp at some range so I can make it into the templimit. Also, we just can't force all water users to use water sensor. I suggest to keep chilled water in ordinary water unless someone comes with some brilliant idea. So my proposal is that even elite/extreme members could compete but there should be temps/picture verification of cooling method. Most of us are adding a piece of paper with name/date when we are selling a piece of HW, so I guess it shouldn't be a problem to add it to photo of hardware
  25. Hey guys, what could be the worth of i7 4790k 5GHz @ 1.4V? XTU stress test stable. Chip is CLU delided, IHS lapped. Thx.
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