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Everything posted by WhiteWulfe

  1. I very much so agree. The way it's currently worded any AM3 or AM3+ processor should be allowed to submit, doubly so as there are no restrictions (other than "AM3(+)", which would indicate either/or of the two sockets is allowed) actually listed in the overview. Sure, the stage limitations specifically state AM3+, but not having this information right in the overview itself makes for conflicts, and therefore people either taking the time to run and tweak benchmarks to get a good submission (and then finding out they don't qualify and probably getting rather irate about it), or even worse, people not even bothering to run in the division.
  2. Pm sent about the boards!
  3. Many thanks! It's my first processor to break 5GHz
  4. I'll playfully say "when I pick up some tin foil and have the cash for dry ice". oh, and figure out a bit more about what these DIMMs like and don't like.
  5. I've received this message in the past with validations. Best I could figure out is something wound up going wonky when it was being saved/validated, and has only happened when I've had things right on the very edge of stability.
  6. Ohhhhh, I'm going to have to take this one back
  7. Ah man, no way.... I was all of 11 points away from your score? *shakes fist* I'll get it next time!
  8. Ohhhh, I know what's going in my rig tomorrow now.
  9. You should see http://hwbot.org/submission/2909976_ ... Managed to get even further! Almost had a CPU-Z of 325fsb (4550MHz), but right before it sent the email out Windows crashed.
  10. Oh, right. Totally forgot I still hadn't posted submissions better than this one as I didn't have time this morning. ;;;;
  11. Plus the like... Six other things you told me about
  12. Looks even better with the husband's GTX 980 in there too, but sadly I kind of had to give him his birthday gift after a few hours of benching At least he let me use it for a few hours to "break it in"! Eventually it will be two cards - it's just a case of waiting and seeing as to how expensive the Classified/Kingpin 980Ti's will be Sure is prettier than my dedicated benching rig, but then again I'd hope something in a $250 CAD case (with the side panel removed) looks nicer than something built up on a cardboard box for the time being!
  13. Team members told me to ask over on the forums here for actual clarification.... I have an Asus P5E and after doing a few runs on the stock bios, I then did the trick a number of people do and put the Rampage Formula bios onto my motherboard in order to have more options/tweaks available when overclocking. Am I still able to submit these benches as using an Asus P5E, or do I need to follow another process since CPU-Z states that I'm now using a Rampage Formula? Additionally, does this apply to all benchmark submissions, or just reference clock? Thanks in advance.
  14. Yeah, it's out of my reach. For now the score is yours
  15. I have to give you congratulations... For the time being I simply can't beat your score, but it was a fun one to push to try and beat!
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