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Posts posted by TerraRaptor

  1. Usually, gt tests scale quite the same percentage. So, as an example, if all people get gt1 as 1fps and gt2 as 2fps (so gt 2 is x2 faster) and you get your gt1 as 1fps (like all people do) and gt2 as 3fps (so x1.5 times faster than others and x3 times faster than your gt1) that simple math will expose a bugged run with gt2. Overclocking usually gains same or similar performance gains - for above example, 1.1fps and 2.2fps (+10%) is expected score, and if you get 1.1fps and 2.6fps (so +10% for gt1 and +30% for gt2) then you should revalidate your score.

    Don't think you've explored something very new. So called black screen runs are known for decades. You should use common sense first of all. If image is deadly corrupted to bring you extra fps then rebench. Artefacts itself are still okay and may happen even with stock clocks sometimes but not when it breaks the scene completely.

  2. 40 minutes ago, CL3P20 said:

    for each core

    No way. GTL0/1 are adress and data reference levels for die0, gtl2/3 are address and data reference levels for die1.

    Also, wprime thread synchronization has very small relation to GTL tweaking (just in case of severe instability one of the threads may be delayed to fix errors), wprime likes to desynchronize in general if OS is bad. If you want to track down GTL tweaking results, better way is using hyperpi 32m - once a thread stops with error just go to task manager and check the affinity of superpi thread that stopped working. 

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