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Posts posted by GtiJason

  1. 36 minutes ago, GeorgeStorm said:

    I'd guess not since it doesn't show mem speed, or mobo model?

    Also covers part of the render :P



    Didn't read properly :D

    Yeah was just wondering about the little bit of background showing, but moderators gotta moderate haha
    Not like I own a monitor under 1920x1080 anyway, that above 1280x1024 took up maybe 25% of this 2k guy I mainly use cause of 120Htz

  2. With the addition of the cpu-z mainboard tab taking up additional space, would this be ok ?
    Really just talking about the comp bckgnd

    (If I moved the cpu-z tabs into the visible taskbar area, had mem freq and mainboard actually showing and not moved by shrinking 2 row taskbar down and actually used Win 7 instead of chopping it in lol)

    Won't be showing a lot of background, tho mem tab should be ok for something like mem freq



  3. 2 minutes ago, zeropluszero said:

    So you want us to have nothing but Timespy and XTU? 

    I went to a local comp doing 32M and 01 back in the day with a 5.7 sandy bridge, and got fucking destroyed by Fester doing like 5.3. Did I cry about it? Yes.
    did I go do some research into how he beat me? Yes.

    No, that's not the point I was making. It obviously wouldn't happen overnight and I don't claim to have all the answers but things have become too complicated to attract new blood. Over the last 5 years I have seen a lot of guys disappear and only a handful of truly dedicated new entries and over that time with 3 rev changes (I think) things have become worse, not easier. 32m is my bench and I have spent countless hours teaching friends and teamates how to run it properly but if we can't attract new benchers and the current base is slowly leaving super pi won't matter anymore when there is no one left to bench it

  4. I think if we want XOC/HWBot to survive we need to make it easier for new guys to join, I have several friends interested but as soon as they see all the different OS's needed and restrictions that's the end of it. As much as I'd hate to see certain benchmarks go, it may be a necessity. Potential new members want to see a fair, and easy to use platform. I think Allen nailed it when he said benchmarks with wrapper or valid link

    • Like 1
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  5. 9 hours ago, jjxaker said:

    Use the latest version Win Rar 5.60 https://www.rarlab.com/rar/winrar-x64-560.exe

    Bios 1602 already named creative.rom, very nice !


    Edit: doesn't seem to be working for me, maybe because I don't have the cpu's isolated anymore since there's no need on bios 0084v2 and for 6c HT I use MOCF. Thought the hard mods did away with this need, could I'm wrong wouldn't be the first time :D 2nd or 3rd actually haha


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