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Posts posted by GtiJason

  1. 4 hours ago, websmile said:

    As said I appreciate the work Matthias does and also the dedication to perfection, but we have 33k subs for gpupi that are worth zero in every aspect, not only points but also comparability over cpu or vga generations, if 3.3 is introduced and subs are integratted in the same ranking like 3.2 and older. If we (hwbot, which I am no part of staff anymore but still look around sometimes) do a introduce 3.3 as seperate ranking we will have eight benchmarks that measure more or less the same despite the improvement that comes with 3.3. Freezing points for 3.2 and older and introducing 3.3 is also no option as I explained, you would have to abolish globals and wr points immediately plus you cannot keep frozen points alive if you see that newcomers or guys that start to bench again have no option to get points for 3.2 as sub is closed. This would give a big advantage to guys who benched this is the past and kill fair play at ranking. So what is left to do?


    I'm just playing devils advocate, points wise for me keeping original gpupi is obviously best since I can't bring my dead gems back to life or buy back the ones I've sold.

    It's just guys like Matthias should be rewarded for their hard work and since GPUPI is a tribute to the Hardware Terminator and true legend Turrican it should be treated the way Mat believes he'd want.

  2. 3 hours ago, unityofsaints said:

    This is already screwing up the rankings, like this GPU on air and ~ 300 mhz less beating SS:

    My suggestion would be to make this two different rankings, like CB11.5 and 15. My last GPUpi for CPU 1B run (and I've done many!) took about 30$ worth of LN2 and several hours. Let's not make people rebench that just because a new version came out. New hardware releases already do that often enough.

    @richba5tard@Leeghoofd What are your thoughts? IMO GPUpi runs on enough different hardware that making two rankings wouldn't split it too much.

    Yeah thats me, I spent 2 rough weeks working on getting that gold but am happy about the change. We NEED active developers like mat in our community. GPU PI works for both cpu and gpu and does it well, doesn't cost much, has one of the best anti cheat integration and isn't hwbot prime. (aka "Slot Machine") or XTU (favors slower hardware just because it's new and Intel wants all your monies)

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  3. 5 hours ago, 5erveD said:

    So you reprograme the bios chip with the pro tl866 ?

    Since Asrock bios chips typically are not soldered that tool  (tl866)or similar is the best choice. If you want a super cheap option for soldered or not myself and several others use these guys




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