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road-runner's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Just got an email my score that has been there forever has been block by some clown named sweet for no image. There are tons of scores with no image, I dont even bench no more but it pisses me off... What is going on? New clowns in town or what? Sweet you can kiss my ass... http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2130678_road_runner_3dmark_vantage___performance_4x_radeon_hd_5870_52549_marks
  2. thnx for the add!

  3. For someone that does not give a flying f*ck you sure got a lot to say, and a lot of b*tching... Congrats on the benches Andre...
  4. I found a cheaper hobby myself, gardening. When I throw a little to much nitrogen on the plant and it burns up and dies it doesn't cost much and I can eat the results...
  5. Guess everyone reads it a different way, I read it as he is looking for sponsors or no advertisement...
  6. Thanks guys, going to try again soon, got to scrape up some money for LN2...
  7. Thanks guys, I had a better one but machine froze up before I could capture it...
  8. I submitted a bunch of scores that day, didnt even realize it was bugged at first. As soon as I did I deleted it...
  9. Doesnt matter to me anymore, due to lack of motivation because of all the changes I sold everything so....
  10. I dont understand why I did not get any points for 77th place and 76th and 78th do? http://www.hwbot.org/listResults.do?gpuModelId=1279&applicationId=2&filterUser=true&filterBlocked=true&sli=true&limit=100 Same thing on 06 with 3870x2 multi card, I am 36th? http://www.hwbot.org/listResults.do?gpuModelId=1279&applicationId=12&filterUser=true&filterBlocked=true&sli=true&limit=100
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