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Everything posted by zeneffect

  1. Nice software! for those who are more web-centric and dont feel like downloading... or downloaded it on the wrong machine and dont have access to it... http://www.elmor.se/3dmark
  2. I thought replacing the test files is not allowed... even when they are just temporary... and yet, text edit and web render shoots through the roof all of a sudden by everybody.
  3. can you make it calculate and display a checksum for the pi text that is generated as a 2nd/redundant means of validation? a proper calculation should result in a checksum that matches a range, an improper (say if the calculation is done to 8970000 vs 10000000) should calculate to a different range due to the file size.
  4. what about protecting the hexus.txt? i can shave 2 seconds @ 4.6 by changing the amount of digits of pi that are calculated and still see all 6 steps. im pretty sure thats how infra is demonstrating it. it would be very easy to just compile it all into a single executable which would add a layer of protection against these novice exploits.
  5. for how long? 1 month? 1 year? forever?
  6. it would be pretty easy to do as a bat.
  7. why not keep this about pifast? Infra makes a very good point about pifast. the video about pifast is pretty informative though unsuprising. pifast.
  8. Searching Compression Signatures: (3347 built-in, 0 user(*) ) EXIF.Make / Software EXIF.Model Quality Subsamp Match? ------------------------- ----------------------------------- ---------------- -------------- CAM:[sONY ] [CYBERSHOT U ] [ ] Yes SW :[Adobe Photoshop 7.0 ] [save As 07 ] SW :[Apple Quicktime ] [0466-0467 ] SW :[Digital Photo Professiona] [05 ] SW :[iJG Library ] [075 ] SW :[MS Paint ] [ ] SW :[MS Visio ] [ ] SW :[ZoomBrowser EX ] [low ] The following IJG-based editors also match this signature: SW :[GIMP ] [075 ] SW :[irfanView ] [075 ] SW :[idImager ] [075 ] SW :[FastStone Image Viewer ] [075 ] SW :[NeatImage ] [075 ] SW :[Paint.NET ] [075 ] SW :[Photomatix ] [075 ] SW :[XnView ] [075 ] just for reference.... against one of MY OWN submissions. fyi only paint was used to paste in and create the image... you know the regular print screen open paint paste save Searching Compression Signatures: (3347 built-in, 0 user(*) ) EXIF.Make / Software EXIF.Model Quality Subsamp Match? ------------------------- ----------------------------------- ---------------- -------------- CAM:[PENTAX ] [PENTAX Optio 550 ] [ ] No SW :[Apple ImageIO.framework ] [049 ] SW :[iJG Library ] [079 ] The following IJG-based editors also match this signature: SW :[GIMP ] [079 ] SW :[irfanView ] [079 ] SW :[idImager ] [079 ] SW :[FastStone Image Viewer ] [079 ] SW :[NeatImage ] [079 ] SW :[Paint.NET ] [079 ] SW :[Photomatix ] [079 ] SW :[XnView ] [079 ] now lets compare the screen shot from edison.chan vs the one Dino pointed out... EXIF.Make / Software EXIF.Model Quality Subsamp Match? ------------------------- ----------------------------------- ---------------- -------------- CAM:[sONY ] [CYBERSHOT U ] [ ] Yes SW :[Adobe Photoshop 7.0 ] [save As 07 ] SW :[Apple Quicktime ] [0466-0467 ] SW :[Digital Photo Professiona] [05 ] SW :[iJG Library ] [075 ] SW :[MS Paint ] [ ] SW :[MS Visio ] [ ] SW :[ZoomBrowser EX ] [low ] The following IJG-based editors also match this signature: SW :[GIMP ] [075 ] SW :[irfanView ] [075 ] SW :[idImager ] [075 ] SW :[FastStone Image Viewer ] [075 ] SW :[NeatImage ] [075 ] SW :[Paint.NET ] [075 ] SW :[Photomatix ] [075 ] SW :[XnView ] [075 ] Searching Compression Signatures: (3347 built-in, 0 user(*) ) EXIF.Make / Software EXIF.Model Quality Subsamp Match? ------------------------- ----------------------------------- ---------------- -------------- CAM:[sONY ] [CYBERSHOT U ] [ ] Yes SW :[Adobe Photoshop 7.0 ] [save As 07 ] SW :[Apple Quicktime ] [0466-0467 ] SW :[Digital Photo Professiona] [05 ] SW :[iJG Library ] [075 ] SW :[MS Paint ] [ ] SW :[MS Visio ] [ ] SW :[ZoomBrowser EX ] [low ] The following IJG-based editors also match this signature: SW :[GIMP ] [075 ] SW :[irfanView ] [075 ] SW :[idImager ] [075 ] SW :[FastStone Image Viewer ] [075 ] SW :[NeatImage ] [075 ] SW :[Paint.NET ] [075 ] SW :[Photomatix ] [075 ] SW :[XnView ] [075 ] Based on the analysis of compression characteristics and EXIF metadata: ASSESSMENT: Class 1 - Image is processed/edited amazingly, it seems to come from the same system!
  9. ROFL Allen! Very Aphex twin like!
  10. where have you been? its the fucking apollo up in this bitch!
  11. *sigh* im fairly certain hwbot staff does not get paid enough for this bs.
  12. so this chick with the ln2 drinks and the surgery... why does everybody think its the ln2 at fault? how about the super cold alcohol? what does ethyl alcohol freeze at? -117c in pure form? I would think that the super cold alcohol is at fault here and not the ln2 directly. im willing to bet its safer to drink a shot of ln2 than a shot of -100c alcohol.
  13. my bad. i didnt have flashing red and green at 77hz?
  14. wPrime tweak in action!
  15. plz, posting a video like this is insulting to the community. i understand you dont want to give up your tweaks (if there are any) but you did not show wprime running.
  16. dude, i just said i was waiting... i never said hurry up. im not an involved party so this is nothing more than entertainment to me so.... chill, dont take offense as none was ment. i know you guys will make a decision when you make a decision, thats fine but this is like watching commercials right before some dude gets his head blown off and im just yelling at the tv.
  17. awaiting hwbot's response. seems like alot of feathers are getting ruffled over this one
  18. have you tried primo ramdrive? its very stable, light, (and free iirc)
  19. give them a different name? use the wife's name!
  20. kill it and claim DOA!
  21. so.... then 1st place had the chance of winning a 2nd ud7? I find this strange. If you can, relay the algorithm used for randomization and picking the winner... in the form of song and dance please. (fyi, I believe you, I just want to see the massman dance) congrats Redmax, and all the winners
  22. i guess this means that i wasnt counted in the lucky draw double unlucky
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