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Everything posted by zeneffect

  1. I forgot that this place has little to no integrity. Let mods sort out a score that abides by the rules. Its more than just words my friend, fly over and ill show anyone first hand. Ill even buy a dinner for the trip
  2. due to RTC right? well I DIDNT clock up or down in windows. Let mods sort this out, my win7 times are better anyways. Sorry for making your score look bad in comparison.
  3. zeneffect

    E5 2620 v2

    Please add this cpu.
  4. Very nice run guys! Its pretty awesome seeing FUGGER pop up on the bot now
  5. or you don't get any pudding!
  6. Sno, your score is slower than FUGGER's so its not showing up. Look @ the CPUz and you will see you both are using the same socket.
  7. include all the waffles, a dozen women (between the ages of 18 and 30, not exceeding 120lbs and for the love of god NO SIDEBURNS OR BEARDS), and its a deal. if a couple are deaf, that's cool too... unintelligible animal noises are the hotness.
  8. yes, I think my math is off... doing this at work is no good for my brain worms.... *edit* ran it through excel.... my dumbness is being retahded 8:31 is right.... was basing off of 100 rather than 60 that 10 min score needs to go away...
  9. I guess... I keep running the numbers and keep coming up with 8:25.508
  10. maybe im doing math wrong? im coming up with 8m25.508
  11. how often do the stage scores get updated? im looking @ us average for 32m and its not being reflected. should be in the 8:25 area
  12. i will update it tonight, just gotta figure out what the hell is going on... thinking cpu ring bus is busted and not running the way it should. 2666 runs all night, didnt get into the 7:20s as it should so something is way off and im not sure what.
  13. I suspect there is something wrong with the cpu. runs were going so slow, about a full second off. This score is just placeholder for now until I figure out what is going on.
  14. what no terrible hardware 03?
  15. omg no torches... have fun with the hair driers!
  16. guess I made some obligations and will be posting something up tonight... could be complete crap, could be ok. who knows... and for what stage?
  17. nice memory now, back to the dark corner of the cave for me.
  18. I don't understand the point of a gas mask if you don't wear the rest of the mopp gear. I bet she uses a vitamin enriched conditioner. If it were ME... that cat would have been dead at the first shot instead of missing. If I could control a giant cat.... id team up and take cities hostage. im guessing this isn't what you are looking for in "express your opinion"
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