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Posts posted by marmott

  1. The pretested CPUs can run 1h Prime95 1344K at 4.5 - 4.8 GHz (depending on the category) on air below 1.40 Volt without delidding.


    I think that's the difference, very few people in the batch thread test their chips with Prime95 for 1 hour. Stability difference between SPi 32M and Prime95 is pretty big.

  2. Which special boards are we talking about?


    The whole point of banning some boards is to make sure we get a competition as fair as possible, I think it's no mystery that it will never be perfect.


    The Impact was the most problematic one because we saw it has an edge with memory on a lot of Z170 mobos and only a selected few got one for now. I think there are no debate on this one, I put the SOC Force LN2 in the same category, we know it exists but if you are not a GBT ocer or very close to GBT HQ you can't have access to it.


    It's difficult for me to say that the SOC Force or the M8E are as widely available as the OCF or the XPower. The last 2 were released weeks ago where the first 2 are more problematic to find.

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