Here is one more video:
Many thanks to everybode who participate in this great event! Especially to SF3D, Jimm`s and ASUS!
I have a fantastic weekend (except being "not drunk"). It was a pleasure to meet Jussi and Santi.
If you would like my thoughts in same style so it will be:
- SF3D: "What? Where? How? Ah, everything is OK"
- Elmor: "The only thing I can do is playing Crysis, but I`m the winner"
- Massman: "Belgians are so strange =)"
- Dedal: "Sleeping beauty"
- Predator: "Losing everything except my head"
- Ryba: "Is that a nice pot? You want new pot? I bring new pot!" © Massman
Sergio, Marcin, Petri, Jon, PJ, Jussi - it was very nice to meet you again and I hope it was not the last time we met in Finland