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Everything posted by M.Beier

  1. Nah I think most will play ONLINE ;-P I know it will be my chance to beat NickShih in something computer related, so deff going to play a little!
  2. Congratulations evil one.
  3. y0 wit da flow

  4. You guys remind me of an episode @ 2½ men... Jake and his female classmate sitting in same sofa sending messages to each through computer
  5. I am not one of the 82 ;-P

  6. Awesome, will enter this, know alot of people will enjoy watching me fail :-)
  7. Oh, that never happend at CES/Computex/CeBIT before...
  8. Leaving footprints all over your profile Mr.Turricanator

  9. Good job Splave and dear lord this must have been expensive for you What bothers me, is I cannot see the light by the end of the tunnel, I fear the European qualifier will be worse...... (Not about Splave..) I hope that I am proven wrong - despite I hate being wrong.
  10. lol, so, you put it to good use!
  11. To sum up the thread, aside from a few buttheads posting bullshit (it is the internet after all) Pro League, was souly made to prevent vendors in interfearing with regular league officially, seeding is still accepted though - the original official reason for creating it, turned out to be false, a lie... Or it could be that standpoint has changed since then, maybe interest conflict... EDIT: Sorry if I neglected a few posts that were actually important, didnt bother reading all, too much OT crap.
  12. Dino, please no more OT bullshift I do not own that domain, and dont have a blog, I never had, please cut it.
  13. Kenny let me ask you this then... 'I have no money like Andre but I leased about 80 Intel Sandy bridge cpu and didn't find good. Bought good 2500k when I knew its potential' This was posted today on hwbot, do you think it is ok to lease 80 CPU's, and then be in OC league? I think having such option should make one swap to pro league... Frankly, I do not get the fear of joining the league.. haha nice one Gautam Sure that is one of the things I have done.... But you as a XS admin, will know that this(thread) isnt exactly my first quite controversial move in the past years.
  14. Very impressive, hope it will have a longer life than last one
  15. Petri you hereby have my permission to publish that in public if you can find it.... Crashes can loose data, but I have not been able to locate such a line, in any logfile since 2005. In fact I believe I have clearly stated that I do not submit top benches, but use other ways.
  16. Dude I shit you not, it is for some... Personally, its always been a huge expense here too, one of the reasons why my priorities changed...
  17. hahaha :-) Sorry Viss, it wasnt meant only for you, nor was the quantity related to you - please note that the figure 200, was not linked to you, that figure was from a Danish guy and in a facebook message... But others do equally.. I have no insight in your quanity, nor interest, it is none of my business, but, as you said, now and then get to test, and then return the ones you dont like - in my book, that is not a regular thing to do, the person living next door to you, cannot do that. (I guess?) You are right about me not posting competitive benches as often, and it is not a random thing, change in priorities, and been 3½ years. Planet, you honestly have no clue if I have done so or not. Deff, but do you have profit from personal binning? If you do, that is indeed a rare case
  18. Not sure if serious By all means, if you buy yourself, its not a problem, but if you buy with the purpose of selling, making a profit, it is a profession, wouldnt you agree? Hwbot is not flawless, I did select pro league when it was created, as I receive samples... However, I have never really been acused of hunting hwbot points?
  19. Hmm, 2600+ isnt a problem.... 2800+ is becoming a bit more tricky. .... be that said, I just bought 4x4GB Samsung for less than any of these modern kits will cost.... Sam recommended it..
  20. Well I think that we, the community have a responsibility of keeping the sport clean.... Some would say "you are jealouse", might be.. But hey I get free hw often? I am not complaining in this regard... What bothers me, is that we are setting high entry barriers, scaring off the people wanting to persuit overclocking or more specific, benchmarking on hwbot.. People wont bother, when knowing there is no chance.... Now long ago, Hwbot did an amazing thing, introduced pro league, Andre, Hicookie and others doing extreme binning for vendors could go here, it works as a PR reference for the companies, without squezing the normal bloke wanting to compete... I started OC and benchmarking back in the days, of which you could make a top20 futuremark submissions, with a setup worth less than 1500 USD, if I didnt start, I sure as hell wouldnt start knowing that my brand new 4000 USD+ setup would just get run over by people with the right contacts in OC League. --- And honestly I couldnt care less about the stores interest, it is good that they are taking care of overclockers, though I wish it was with focus on community, not specific individuals, but that said - the main issue as I see it, is when those individuals dont have the balls to join PRO League... It is up to us, to 'decide' what is considered acceptable, and what isnt, the honor codec... Sure people can break it, not follow, and the crew wont be able to spot for a long time, but so what? Is spotting the troublemakers a valid reason for not setting rules? I only one person that truely believes this...
  21. Yep; I think when having the established contacts, to do something that a regular PC enthuciast cannot do, you belong in the pro league... Everyone 18+ can buy a pot at kingpincooling or another seller, and then buy LN2 at AGA/Airliquide etc... It is not restricted, no entry barriers, I think once there are entry barriers, something that everyone cant do, be it a CPU from Intel (ES), bin for a store.... Buy on black market (which officially is illigal), then pro league. I dont think pro league should be restricted to 20-50 people, but have several hundred, after all, how many members does HWBot have? What are the descriptions of each category? Is it a 'penalty' to be in pro league? Is it a negative? EDIT; And yes, I think all media belongs to pro league, when there isnt a speciel media league
  22. First off, I did not want to make this a witch hunt on Viss, but he is the only one of which it has been publicly stated about recently, of which I remember.... The section is 'discuss' and that is what I hope can be done, a discussion about what is 'ok' and what isnt... So here goes; Someone works for a vendor, bins hardware, lets say 100 CPU's - he/she HAS to be in PRO LEAGUE. Someone works at a store or is related, bins hardware, lets say 500 CPU's he/she can be in OC LEAGUE. Now my opinion on this; Pick up your balls, do the decent thing, join PRO LEAGUE when binning freely or for the 1 piece that you actually end up buying... OC LEAGUE is for people that has it as a very expensive hobby, and go all the way, LN2. Viss is a TALENTED OC'er, and a good tweaker, I only use him as example because its quite official that it is happening in his case... There are many people in OC league, that manipulate the competition by binning several hundred CPU's and using it in OC League.... I really dont get why people are 'afraid' of PRO league, does points really matter that much? Does honor have no place? I thought that the Andre/HIWA/many other bust would be a wake up call for people to show some decency, unfortunately, it seems I was wrong.. So voice your opinion.... What do YOU think about this? OC League or mandatory PRO League? PS: Not 10 days ago, someone came bragging to me, about binning 200 Ivy, for a profile listed as OC League.
  23. So let me get this straight.... You prefer black sticks?
  24. Massman, you feel blessed touching kingstons stick? Oh well!
  25. I stand by the comment, but it is not the right thread for it, I edited it multiple times, and then removed it. Will return, but not in this thread.
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