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Everything posted by M.Beier

  1. Combo or will you sell VGA alone? If so, what sorta price?
  2. Enjoy the show lads.
  3. Congratz on surviving Massman!
  4. Most recent topic in offtopic being by MR.HORSE I simply had to put on this one...
  5. Sorry if I am lost in translation.... Which of the 2 do you mean A) Brendan should keep 160 Euro B) Brendan should return 160 Euro to the donators. If A, I STRONGLY disagree, and consider it a quite rude suggestion. If B, I disagree, considering the initial target was $1800 or €1800 - Cannot remember the currency We got a heck of a long way, close to target, but not fully - considering the great HW gifts as well, its fair to call it end of the fundraiser, but I do not think returning or tunneling them differently then initial thought would be appropriate. And if it comes down to that, I suggest it is the ones making the donations that are to call the shots - be it everyone that donated or Splave/Ney, that isnt my call.
  6. Thank you. That means I will purchase when passing by Asia. Perhaps worth to mention in FAQ, but obviously up to the companies.
  7. Crazy donation by Ney! Amazing Sorry for poking quite a lot, impressed how well the community handles this.
  8. No update in spreadsheet since 28 July? 3 weeks?
  9. Where does it ship from? At 149 USD (that price showed when clicking order.... Wasnt stated previously...), it vastly exceed the ~14 USD limit to avoid customs interfearing, they will add VAT and a 'penalty fee' if its from outside Europe. Nice product though, hope more practical details will come^^
  10. Do those pictures again PJP Looks interesting none the less
  11. Perhaps time to transfer? No update for a week+, and not many new entries. Once again; Awesome to see the community standing up for the 2 users that got scammed. *Hope you lads have a more joyfull weekend then me
  12. Line F16 (not the flight!) is faulty in the excel If 20E sent, how come not received? By teh way, any updates?
  13. Happy bday Le Ney!
  14. Holy crap! 120 + 50 + 20 Euro by hwbot staff/management, very well done guys! HWBot, the community that cares about overclockers!
  15. Splave, extremely large of you, nothing shy of amazing. Well played. Everyone else; I just responded to the PM - what do you guys think, we just add random amount, or should we do 20,30,40,50 each? By end of this week, we will be 30+, thats 750 Euro if we contribute 25 Euro each.... Added with the amazing deed by Splave, the rest will come fairly fast too What say you?
  16. Once again; Count me in Looks like many people want to join in, making it quite realistic to get the full amount.
  17. Cool cool Otherwise, it'll end up with ~100E/person as it looks now. Anyhow, if people contribute 25E/person, that will still do quite a bit, atleast it'll help.
  18. Forgot to post previously. Count me in How much? We take the sum and divide it with number of contributors? When? Before/after trial? Second part: MR.Horse, why? Are you retarded, or simply just like being a d*ck? Dimas quoted the amounts and said he would refund in the other thread - but usual Dimas BS actually following up.... You are being a twat.
  19. M.Beier

    XS Hacked

    Crap... FUGGER, is my profile deleted, and if not, can I get the password sent somehow? Want to make sure I don't use same other places.
  20. M.Beier

    XS Hacked

    Good luck Charlie.
  21. Reeeeeeeturn!

  22. M.Beier


    Hope you, Ney and a few others will help
  23. M.Beier


    Best wishes for the 2 fellow overclockers that lost a lot of money to that POS Dimas... After all, it is only money - you both showed extraordinary patience with the clown, hope you won't keep the memory of this scumbag in mind in future dealing in OC community, fortunately - a scum as Dimas, is 1:1000000 Enjoy it, that inch to your nose is all that matters. You are a great christian PJP, I sure don't sure your good wishes towards Dimas, what he has done to friends of mine, I don't wish him best, far from. Would serve him well to fail in every aspect of professional life, would be justice
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