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Everything posted by Thor941

  1. no I can't block these scores cause : - they have been made several months ago - they already have been checked by a moderator while I wasn't even one - nobody reported them - and most of all it is a brand new score, made on air, so you can easily re-bench it for your score, a member reported it asking to have more details, I am not hunting the "bad" scores, that's it any other questions?
  2. No subscores, no pulldown menu for graphiccards thx
  3. your scores are bugged, they have been removed
  4. Ticket ID: 976 Priority: High please add, thx\r\n\r\nhttp://hwbot.org/community/submission/1036778_kleverpseudonym_cpu_z_core_i5_520m_3900.06_mhz&popup=true
  5. deleted, but normally you can edit or delete yourself a score when you click on the "more" tab
  6. give me the links and I'll delete them
  7. well if you think that some scores are wrong just report them (it is part of my "job") but you have to be "sure" - if like some guys you report 100 submissions and that in fact 95% are good, yeah I hate the whole world lol
  8. http://hwbot.org/forum/helpcenter.php
  9. The member and the team-captain have been warned via PM
  10. edited
  11. Ticket ID: 958 Priority: High http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1029923_rodhizzle_pifast_mobile_sempron_64_3600_keene_66.25_sec&popup=true\r\n\r\nthx
  12. I need the motherboard on the link to be added
  13. Ticket ID: 955 Priority: Low thx\r\n\r\nhttp://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=399333
  14. Ticket ID: 954 Priority: High http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1029594_jcool_wprime_32m_2x_xeon_x5350_8sec_828ms&popup=true\r\n\r\nthx
  15. Ticket ID: 949 Priority: Low http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1002106_automatedbeef_superpi_turion_ii_ultra_m600_31sec_466ms\r\n\r\nthx
  16. only for top 20 WRs
  17. http://www.presence-pc.com/r/overdrive/2.html ??
  18. han it works !!! :banana: edit : I have as well found how to be invisible
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