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Posts posted by Lucky_n00b

  1. Can we please get an exact list of boards that are acceptable, so this is not up for guesswork?


    I have Z170M OC Formula, Z270N-Gaming 5, Z270X Gaming SOC


    Agree with this, if it possible to put a small list of 'NOT OKAY' board for use(and easily visible on the competition page rules/stages) I think that would help to reduce unnecessary trouble :)



    NOT OK boards list:

    Z270X Gaming SOC (reason: availability)

    Z170 SOC Force LN2 (reason: unreleased)


  2. And honestly if one guy manages to run all stages alone and wins the cup - he has my biggest respect because this is a shtload of work.


    I agree with Roman,

    The stages for CC was already quite diverse, and the timeframe is rather short for one single person to run it all by himself, so it is naturally better for a Country to form a team of people to bench it together for maximum effectiveness ( I assumed at least a team of 5 to 6 people at the minimum?).


    But, if there was no minimum number of required people to attend the country cup, a certain country that still wanted to try to tackle some stages with small number of people (2-3 for example), can still have fun in the Country Cup, even though they are at disadvantage because of the smaller team.

  3. When is XTU going to track min/idle cpu temp to rule out these fake "enthusiast" scores. Something that tracks temp from the start of the bench to say 10-15 seconds after.


    Please add this to the agenda.


    It's a good idea to log/record the minimum CPU temperature during bench to make cooling verification easier for cooling-limited competition, I support this.


    Beside detection during the bench, the minimum temperature tracking should also be verified at these points:

    - at least 1-2 second before benchmark start, and

    - at least 3-5 second after benchmark finishes.


    Combined with max temperature, this minimum temp variable will make it easier to verify of the cooling mechanism :)

  4. Nice one Allen ;)


    This one is mine, I used it on the competition. I use the Strix LN2 XOC BIOS as base and then edited the mem clock limit, and the timing set(only works on 1875Mhz and 2000 Mhz strap, so on 1750Mhz it wont make any difference)


    It's a little faster than the normal XOC BIOS, but i'm not sure exactly how fast it is compared to splave's one(might be slower so you need to check with benchmarks)


    I put the file+atiflash zipped on the attachment, give that a try if you wanted :)


    Thanks to @buildzoid and @Alex@ro who gives me the idea of changing memory timings, I wouldn't meddle with those if you guys don't tell me to



    If you wanted to flash it yourself, the bios files is the RX460XOC1.rom. But there's batch file to make operation easier:

    -backup.bat is to backup your current BIOS to RX460.backup

    -flashXOC.bat is to flash with edited XOC BIOS

    -flashORI.bat is to flash with RX460.ROM (original RX460 BIOS)


    This atiflash works on windows, don't forget to disable your display adapter on the device manager first ;)

  5. Finally got a good sleep, haven't been sleeping much in the past week haha ^^


    Just wanted to say my opinion regarding the 'tied' points between me and Daniel here. Indeed Daniel is right - if we count the percentages up to 2 digits after comma, He got a 99.69xx in the GPUPI stage, but maybe since the HWBOT / OC-eSports engine only counted to one digit, it is listed as 99.6.


    So with the competition page calculation, both me and Daniel got 297.3, where in reality it should be me getting 297.34xx, and Daniel getting 297.43xx.


    As a competitive overclocker, when judging result based on percentage, I personally believe that no matter how little, every score percentage should count, since every little details of it comes from a great effort from the overclocker itself.


    I've tried my hardest in this competition, spending every single day with testing and benching since the competition started, pushing everything that could results in better scores. But even after all that effort, and a lucky GPU that's 50Mhz better in FSE, Daniel still beat me by around 0.09% overall.


    In my personal opinion, Daniel won against me, fair and square. I just have to try harder next time. But as usual, I'll wait for official confirmation from the judges about this :)


    Btw, Congrats everyone, it was really a tight competition, looking forward to compete with you guys in the future competition ;)








  6. Would anyone happen to know if there's anything like a '0.95v rail mod' on R9 290X found on this particular RX 460 card? (or, as TheStilt called it, the PCIe PHY Supply Voltage, if I'm not mistaken)


    Like Allen said, sometimes the card just bench fine, just when go back to OS there's blackscreen and I cannot take screenshot or even validate the bench. For me this happens a lot at higher volts like 1.45V (which my gpu needs just to run 1550Mhz).

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