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Everything posted by Gamer

  1. Lol, make sure your site works like it should PJ !!!
  2. If you look at transparant windows, you score higher than Win Vista. Also Video encoding and file decryption are way to high for that system. Used some unknown tweaks ?
  3. I donated € 50 this year, and would do it again next year. Not for the use of this site (I would hate it for obvious reasons) only because I support the crew and the time they invest in this.
  4. I have one POV and one Gainwaird. Gainward card is 0.988v POV is 1.05v I'll try to test this.
  5. Gamer

    Lost points.

    http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1048784_gamer_3dmark_2001_geforce_8800_gtx_93325_marks?tab=info Forgot to add the cpu, so now I did and lost my points. Bug ? Thanks.
  6. Thanks. 3D01 is fun, it's a benchmark where you have to work for your score Now if only i could find someone to mod that card....
  7. Massman needs spectacles, so this is why his icons are big. If you call this a tweak, your wrong. Your cpu needs to calculate how big those icons need to be, so less power for PI !!! He's pulling your legg !
  8. You did use a tweak, your screen wasn't on !!!
  9. Woeps, wrong picture. Will upload another one
  10. I guess he doesn't like us....
  11. Ah, ok. To bad, this is a shitty clocker also
  12. But not the same amount of memory ? Like 1950 pro 256mb and 512mb has a different category ?
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