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Everything posted by TRES2

  1. Insane score! Congrats my friend!!! Go go go!
  2. Thank Dan, Now i will go for full pot benching!!! I hope best results! Thank you very much!! TRES2.
  3. Yes, for sure. I have a problem with a mother board asus maximus viii hero and can not find solution. I can't put the clocks without energy savings. I put the multi x 54 for example, but always come back to 35 (i5 6600k), ALWAYS. I tried these bios and all the same: 0040/0014/0039 etc. Sorry for the inconvenience, I hope you can help me.
  4. Hideo, nice run bro! I have the same mother, but, i can't disable the energy saver functions. Always the multiplier come back to 40 (6700k). GOOD WORK!
  5. Nice run bro. Excuse me, do you have clock down or use slow mode? I have the same board with same bios and the cpu freq does's stay at the max multi what i configured. Thank you!
  6. Thank you coolice for thia guide. I had a problem with my Asus M8H, i can't set the max cpu ratio with out clock down. At OS, the cpu clock down to 35mhz. C statea disable an another energy saver mode. Any idea? Thank you.
  7. Y espero no me vuelvas a molestar porque no te hice nada. Gracias.
  8. Alan, perdón pero dejaste un comentario en un Link de mi perfil y no me pareció respetuoso. No se quien sos, no te conozco y no tengo relación alguna con alguna persona que me conozca, y tampoco me conoces a mí. Te pido perdón si de alguna y otra manera te falte el respeto o si te generé algo que haya provocado tal atrevimiento. Yo no compito con nadie en el overclocking, sólo hago lo que me gusta en mi tiempo libre. Por favor, espero de verdad esto no se vuelva a repetir ya que ni siquiera nos conocemos. Gracias y Saludos.
  9. Opa!!! LN2 Alex! Come back!!!!!
  10. Hello everyone, I would be interested in participating in these stages. I'm new extreme overclocker Octuber since 2015. It is only for elite users? Kind regards!
  11. Hi bro, xtu is a really hard bench por cpu, cache and ram, i mean, it destroy the cpu. The temp limit generally is until 80º celsius. Al OC under this temp are fine. Alway check this, and becarefuel with the voltages . Good luck!
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