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Everything posted by Vivi

  1. i sell pre-delidded CPU's in my country, replaced with liquid metal pro, it became very popular so thats how i found my gem 4770k and 3770k's, just by chance while buying these CPU's to resell. i've sold and repasted a total of about 20 cpu's i think. Had very good batches in my country so i've had around 3 x 6.3ghz 32m cpu, 2x 6.4, and this new untested hopefully 6.5 cpu. I dont have money to have more than one 4770k at a time so i had to sell all the decent ones already :<
  2. hmm very curious batches, have not seen any of those. i would roll the dice haha. i would go for L313 because it ends with "B852" and so far all the good batches are above B4xx, and all the ones i tested below B4xx sucked, so it will play mind tricks on me
  3. edit: woops im a moron, bi-weekly as in every second week, not every week. My bad
  4. i agree with Ryba, rather get 780 and be happy with 1400mhz you can use nvidia inspector to go to 1.5v on your titan if you want, but it will kill your card for sure
  5. there was a week where i won 32m and cpu-z because i was second after namegt won the week before. so i dont think namegt won this week cause he already won 3 weeks ago, and then i won the week after, so below me should be the winner of the 16th
  6. good news, spoke to a rep and said the VGA isn't launched yet so she can't say what it is . so its not 770! yay
  7. probly anything above 1.25v is getting dangerous haha. To put it in perspective, 100% of titans ran at 1.35v will die sooner or later, unless you have a watercooling loop keeping the pwm at something crazy cool like 35c. so you can try close to 1.3v, but i know i wont try that, too risky will probly pop
  8. 770 is rebranded 680 . same PCB same core (just better binned i think)
  9. -4 -5 -6 should always work yes, its probly hidden code cause nvflash dont want you to force flash your stuff. depends what version nvflash you are using, my nvflash always sees the first VGA as 0, regardless of slot
  10. the dream will be gtx 780 lightning and some samsung IC veangence! we had 770 lightning last year so dont think they will make us use it again
  11. hey elmor please bin those CPU's air ! If they the same batch then it will be consistent enough. just to avoid some poor guy getting two 1.45v 5ghz cpus
  12. This is my last bragging post, next will be serious ln2 runs, 4c 8t 1.191v (DMM) 3dmark physix test
  13. Yesh she is air, load was about 60 C for the core that was busy with 32m
  14. i have had 2, both below 1.25v 5ghz, Xtreme addict had 24, only about 6 i think were below 1.35v for 5ghz, only 2 gems that do 6.5, so i guess you can say in this batch you have a 1/12 chance of a ultra gem, or 1/6 chance of 6.4ghz 32m decent cpu. If you can get your hands on it go for it!
  15. my first L310B491 died and got this back from rma another L310B491
  17. Hey try die ene: http://www.major-tech.com/Website/ProductDetail.aspx?ProductID=1061 die MT630 kan -200 lees maar ek dink die packaged probe gan net to -50. So jy sal na AC&R moet gan in marine drive en vir jou lekker -176 probes kry, hulle hang daar in die kas. En hulle verkoop ook awesome insulation sheets en tape
  18. majortech got some nice ones, sal seker rondom R1000 wees vir 'n temp meter en 2x probes, major-tech.com (dis n local site)
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