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Everything posted by BenchBros

  1. What do you think about the fact that OCTV is not present on world finals?
  2. Whats the problem with visa? Why do you need information about it? We just need the address from the hotel and thats all... or I am wrong? Just fill in the form on the flight and you can stay for 30 days in Taiwan. Or has this procedure changed since Jan 2010?
  3. http://www.msi-moa.com/ There are some more information...
  4. I just know that hardware will shipped in the middle of september. I know from hearsay that benchmarks will be 01, 11, 32M... all on Win7 64bit because of 11. So no confirmed information... Andi
  5. Benchsession and extrem-OC How-to by BenchBros http://www.hardwareluxx.de/community/f138/how-benchsession-und-extremoc-fragen-antworten-557478.html insulation guide by BenchBros http://www.hardwareluxx.de/community/f138/how-richtig-isolieren-benchbros-612785.html And the zombie guide for advanched benchmarking and modding http://www.hardwareluxx.de/community/f138/resurrection-zombie-gtx285-lightning-814270.html
  6. Nice André... finally you find a good CPU
  7. Nice benching Jan! So many very good results... hopefully we can improve our scores during GC2011. See you in a few hours
  8. Nice Boris... so it seems Lightning is not the only way to go See you on GC!!!!
  9. SICK!!!! which paste? HS in place? temp and voltage? Please let us know more information about this sick card! Nice benching!!!!
  10. WoW! Great, see some nice 3DMark01 battles incoming
  11. Man italy was done shortly after it began back to good old germany
  12. Back in Business man look forward to some decent scores and some nice time talking about OC in MSN
  13. -172°C, 1,89V and 8088MHz... that sounds like a golden chip! Nice result... go for more Sam!
  14. Nice... go for 12k! Many very good cards out there at the moment...
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