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Everything posted by BenchBros

  1. Great GPU Clocks, but dude start using Sandy for 03 and you will get 185k+
  2. Wow... let the games begin! Maybe we'll see 140k
  3. Hey mate... No hardmods needed... if you have a high-leakage card, maybe you need OCP mod. But this card was without any mod
  4. It can do more for sure but we were running out of LN2 no its not the MOA Card, it's another one
  5. thanks guys! unfortunatly bit to low GT1 and 20 FPS missing in GT3 (we have seen 1230 fps on a previous just GT3 run)
  6. Nice and clean setup... and awesome score, too!
  7. dont stop talking about first cards at home
  8. so you prolly did something wrong in 11 more than in 03 ?? Never seen! Our card what we used in the Competition did: 3DMark03 1450 MHz / 1350 MHz on -130° to -150° also one run with 1500 MHz but after Score it freezed coz of the Temperature drop 3DMark11 we did 1400 / 1300 If I remember right, but strange is that the card wasn't able to run -150° again, just -115 to -120° on the secound day. Maybe Gogrio will puplish the scores
  9. Hey you guys, you can get the Pictures what our Media Guy did from hardwareluxx.de: http://www.hardwareluxx.de/index.php/news/allgemein/vor-ortmessen/18400-msi-moa-2011-emea-finale-contests-beendet-benchbros-qualifiziert.html http://www.hardwareluxx.de/index.php/news/allgemein/vor-ortmessen/18399-msi-moa-2011-emea-finale-der-zweite-tag.html http://www.hardwareluxx.de/index.php/news/allgemein/vor-ortmessen/18393-msi-moa-2011-emea-finale-super-pi-32m-contest-beendet.html http://www.hardwareluxx.de/index.php/news/allgemein/vor-ortmessen/18387-msi-moa-2011-emea-finale-hardwareluxx-ist-vor-ort.html We already uploaded some pics to Facebook / BenchBros page.
  10. Who's interessted in 3DMark11 ?! noone cares about this
  11. [QOUTE]Like MOA 2010 @ Paris I will do livestream, I have HD Webcam Maybe I will have an HD handcam to livestream And how would you do this without a Laptop Allowed on desk?
  12. Mic & Phone connected to Laptop with 10M Line cable?
  13. maybe Smartphones aren't allowed too coz its additional Storage... but what about a remote control tool like Team Viewer on the Media room laptop and remote controle the PC via Phone?
  14. oh?! So we need to print everything on Paper what we need? Additional Infos, Hardmod guide? ... thats wired!!!
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