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Everything posted by BenchBros

  1. I deletedt my post because now the result is shown, but only since I submitted the other two results
  2. today we upped a Result: http://hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=920954 it is marked as Speeder Competiton but I dont see the result in the Rankings of the Speeder competion. How long would it take to see it there?
  3. Take a look at this: Andre do not have points for his result, thats ok. Kinpins result is on the 1st place, thats ok, too. But why is the score from masterchorch just in the 3rd positon? The same for Hardware points... Just a note
  4. Is there any update for this solution?
  5. Is it the same problem? http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=3391
  6. Is the problem/bug fixed by now?
  7. Hello, is there a possibility to view a ranking for hardware points in our team? For global ranking there is a button "Your Team", but i didnt find something similar for the hardware ranking. A overview for all hwpoints in our team would be great THANKS!!!
  8. Ticket ID: 490 Priority: Medium Plz add this CPU to your database:\r\n\r\n\r\nhttp://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=669521\r\n\r\nTHANK YOU !!!
  9. I hope the problem is fixed in the next time
  10. Thats true... the 220MB limit should be included on the rule-page!
  11. Mhhh, I start this thread in April but no change until today... http://www.abload.de/img/bot-probvv67.jpg Tsan 403455 (Scanned 06.08.) BenchBros 403455 (Scanned 25.07.) that suxxs hard because it is a Second Place!
  12. ok, only 23 voters, but I think 82 % for a rule change is good
  13. I not mean Screenshot only! I mean both must be there for Top 20, for better comparing and right Clock reading!
  14. Hey guys, We want to show you our point of view to a rule of hwbot.org. U all know that for a top 20 rank ONLY a Validation is needed. But we all know that ORB Validations don't show right CPU Clocks, right GFX Clocks, how many GPUs are used and so on. No Memory clocks, and no Latencys are shown. Same on wprime validation and auto upload. CPU clocks are read out wrong, no Memory Freq, no Memory Latencys ... Yes ok, the scores are legal because the results are realy this what the guys have reached. But for comparing to others this is not so nice. What do you guys think about? best regards BenchBros
  15. Maybe this one: http://www.hwbot.org/listResults.do?userId=16645&applicationId=1 The second result have neither point nor cups oder medals... but is is in the second place in this list. So I think its a bit confusing, when you want to compare your actual benchmarks with the older one, to figure out, if it is better or not. Maybe a easy way to solve this problem is to order these entries in this view by hwpoints and not by benchmark result. So older results are at the end of the list and the actual best results are on the top of the list. THANKS
  16. Thank you Massman
  17. Ok.... analyses are always very interesting.... but I want to have a clearly arranged BenchBros profile. So when you open your personal page, that there are not 100 results for AM3, 120 results for 3dmark06 and so on... just scores with points, cups or medals have to be listed in the personal profile page. is that possible? Maybe let old results in the database, but is there a possibility to hide these scores for better clarity in profiles? I have deleted many scores in the past. This will not happen again, when there is a possibility to hide old scores in the own profile. Thanks
  18. Hello, is there a possibility to delete old scores, which are "checked by moderator"? The bell is grey and the trash symbol is not there... So how can I clean up our profile (delete out of date scores)? I think PN or mail a moderator to do this is a bit excessive... so is there a way to do it for our own? THANKS !!!
  19. but this is Windows XP for sure!
  20. Hey guys, I have seen this result in the Top today! http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=873159 And compared to all the other Score in this range of Time his CPU is minimum 400 MHz to low clocked to get this fest 1024M Score! Please check this, because I think he uses some illegal tweak? (don't know what but this can't be true)
  21. LOL, at my case also a 15min old Win 7 Install and fresh installed 3DMark03. I will try to rerun it tomorrow, hope I get a vali link...
  22. Ok, I understand! But is there any thing what I can do to Publish it on the ORB? That suxxs realy hard, I spend the hole weekend to Modifi the Watercoolers and I am happy about a good score... fucking Futuremark
  23. Hey Guys, today we submitted a 3DMark03 Result http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=872465 In ORB I can not pusblish the Result, so what I can do? I took a screenshot of the Result compare of ORB... I write this in the result but NeoForce has blocked it... Why?
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