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Everything posted by BenchBros

  1. Nice... is this voltage readout correct?
  2. step by step to sub6 Nice result mate!
  3. step by step to sub6 Nice result mate!
  4. That looks a way better, voltage scaling seems to be nice. Try 4:16? Nice score!!
  5. nice mate Did you use CW?
  6. I know but tested with 3 CPUs different Multis and so on... no way to get over 245 not even for a Validation...
  7. massive insulation... very nice score mate!
  8. on P55-UD5 it is this Resistor: http://www.abload.de/img/p55-ud5f69o.jpg €: Mod confirmed works fine on GB P55-UD5 before Mod -80° Board-CBB and now I have a CPU-CBB @ -110°
  9. GREAT SCORE! Does all GB Boards can handle theese nice Memory Clocks or it is CPU depending?
  10. almost 7GHz benchstable.... awesome work!
  11. I know this record-page... I mean a seperate ranking for the seperate categories. The actual ranking is for all kategories together... so a seperate ranking would be great! THANKS!
  12. Is there a overview for all benchmark categories? Global ranking for 1 GPU Global ranking for 2 GPU Global ranking for 3 GPU Global ranking for 4 GPU and so on... for all CPU categories, too... Keep on the awesome work for this project... THANKS!!!
  13. Tanks RB All is fine again...
  14. Is this a legal tweak?
  15. It was no critical comment... no attack against the rules... it was just a snippy note Its a challange within the competition... so all its fine, no problems To beat a WR is always not easy... also in this MSI competiton!
  16. CPUZ WR is at 5720... no ES CPUs are allowed (these restrictions are fine and I appreciate)... but WR to beat was made with a ES CPU... just a small note
  17. Same problems here... we lost arround 60 global points. take a look to 3D01 ranings.... global first in both categories... 17 points...
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