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About Razzee

  • Birthday 03/11/1996


  • Location
    The far away continent of Lemuria


  • Occupation
    Support Analyst

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  1. Que top. Eu tenho uma 9800 GX2, mas ela nem deixa o PC ligar.
  2. How do I delete this? Submitted as Time Spy instead of Night Raid. I always confuse both, since the descriptions are so similar.
  3. Hey, thanks. The "About Me" was supposed to be blank (like not existing), but thanks for taking your time. By the way, is there any hope for the feature to return to our profiles?
  4. Any response would be appreciated.
  5. Corsair Force LE SSD series is missing.
  6. Dear moderators. How are you doing? Can I make an one time request? Since the shortcut was removed years ago, I can't edit my profile. If you are able to do so, could you remove everything written in my "About Me" section? It can be left blank. Also, instead of linking to animetoshokan.org, I'd like to direct to my website instead. The title could be "Razzee's Website" (right now it is "AT") and the link is https://razzee.site/ Thanks for the attention.
  7. Holy f***! 96 cores, 192 threads? I'd keep that thing for 30 years.
  8. I asked because last time I tried to access hwbot.org (a week ago or so) it was offline too.
  9. Is hwbot.org offline ever since this thread was made?
  10. Razzee

    ASUS Mars GTX 295

    This is the card I most want, but unfortunately it had only 1000 manufactured units, a very limited edition. It was "recently" used to break a record last year. https://rog.asus.com/articles/overclocking/rog-mars-gtx-295-and-maximus-viii-extreme-gfp-on-3dmark2001-se/
  11. I'm sure that I made a comment saying this card is originally a GTX 285 SLI, as stated on ASUS' page.
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