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Everything posted by westsider

  1. i have validated it with your rules! please accept it 4x I-Ram Raid 0
  2. here is XP startup run http://s39.radikal.ru/i085/0904/75/7e69c80c9f76.jpg 100% same settings
  3. but today i had right,or not?
  4. there is no problem but i want to here from you that i had done it following all of your rules your rules say,you mustnt see HDD,you mustnt see subscore you know thats not a problem i will give you a validation i am testing right now but for future you should look after the rules
  5. dude if u sespect something u have to prove it whats wrong with you guys i have validated this result with all of your rules!!!! i mustnt even validate it on ORB i mustnt do it you are just making me problems look at my results and you ill understand there is no problem for me to break and validate 22K pcmark 2005 if we go after "suspect" i suspect that kingpin has all the fake scores they are validated but there isstill 0.-00000001% theoretical chance its all fake and i suspect that you murdered somebody do u understand me? if your rules say i must show subsocre i will show it but it doesnt say so so please activate my result and you will get validation too
  6. i used IRam i mustnt show it to you i have folowed the rules where is the problem? i had read the rules and only after that made the validation if i validate this result will you allow it?
  7. for example he has here http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=808978 the same result with even 400omhz i had 4.4GHz
  8. http://hwbot.org/hwbot.post.do?name=application_9_rules here are the rules here is the result http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=840868&popup=true where is the problem i mustnt show u my subscore rules say: * use default PCMark settings * have a valid screenshot (see example below): clearly show PCmark score, PCmark settings, processor in CPU-Z, unless you have a valid futuremark ORB url * have a valid futuremark orb link as verification for scores in the top 20 and your example: http://www.hwbot.org/blog/wp-content/pcmark05.jpg
  9. Sis330 Igp
  10. what do u mean? i dont understand i want either to sell or to change for 3dmark 2005 u get it cheaper
  11. Hi I have extra serial from this bench its my second one and i dont need it if somebody wnats to have it ,i could sell for 50% or change for 3dmark 2005 serial ORIGINAL of course!!! and never used!
  12. and whats if i am an atheist? and i dont give a damn about gods wher are my human rights ?
  13. No Comments any more give it up Gio make better screens next time you are discussing with GODs
  14. ok if we follow strictly:demiurg has right! thats experience for you gio next time u wont forget it relax take it easy
  15. its too strictly its nonsence if its 3way or 4 way multi gpu possibility,than yes it must be blocked but gpuz still shows the amount of used gpus only crossX scores should be controlled but if somebodys benching 2x295 and he istn showing it with gpuz i find its ok because if he validates it as 2x295it has no problems problem would be if he validates it as 1x295 but there are no other possibilities to bench 295 in multigpu mode just example
  16. skills&technics Gio only V doesnt make u a champ u need a lot of Skills! i dont think kingpin gives the highest vcores for his records
  17. u guys should work a little bit better u know it just OC and fun nothing personal
  18. mess with us? whats wrong with u guys? u think u're gods or something like that? ain't shit 4 me dude talk like a normal human mess with u!! lol
  19. i like it no points but should be added just for fun we could test skills&Technics
  20. WPRIME 1.55 cannot detect Nehalem and Phenom II (with DFI Boards tried) it gives: AMD Phenom CPU and: Intel Quad Core
  21. it runs but too slow about 80-100K loss
  22. cant u just deactivate 2.0 validation? 2.0 must have new validation code
  23. i cannot run it needs DX8
  24. is tehre any possibility to run 2001 on vista 32???
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