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Everything posted by komadyret

  1. That graphics tab ain't giving enough info as of now. Maybe in the future. If they could just agree to integrate the gpu-z and the cpu-z in one nice app/gui it would be nice. Only one app to remeber to update once in a while
  2. Yeah, patience. Last time I wanted something added I did hold off almost a week before inquiering about it. It still took another two or three days before it was settled. No panic. My benches was stored on a usb stick and waiting for the hardware to be added to the database
  3. WiCKeD, you're overlooking the crucial point here, and that is that a setup with single-card + onboard in hybrid SLI he will have to post his scores as a multicard setup with his BEST card. A score achieved with a ATI 4870 CF'd with a 3870 will have to be posted in multicard 4870 category, thus leaving the bencher at a disadvantage. Utilizing hybrid SLI is not an advantage in hwbot, it's a disadvantage.
  4. Problem is to acctually remeber to hook up the external one for the 3dm06 run... I've borked a couple of 3dm06 laptop runs that way, altho I've remebered most of the tmes. It's a pita to go back and redo the bench when it's brought to attention a few weeks later lol
  5. It's all about marketing. Manufacturers have the final word in WHO should ride their hardware. If you want in on a series like this, make friends with a manufaturer/team that has a spot. Pay the buggers to chose you, if participation is so vital! I'm not for having this sort of competition open to "hwbot teams" or "enthusiast forums" at all. It is all about having the best manufacturers putting the best of their hardware in the hands of the guys they see best suited to give them the desired results, or that in them selves are so good at putting the brand on display in a crowd of other brands that it warrants a chair on the team. Once this ball is rolling, in a season or three, there should be no invitations, no qualifiers, only a steep participation fee and a long list of teams/benchers that wait for one of the established teams/benchers to drop out so there will be room for them. Stop whining, aproach the teams that DO have a spot and make your inquireies there. If you're good enough to deserve a spot on one of the teams, it shouldn't be too dificult to present your case to one of the team-owners?
  6. Could be.. and I see no listing of individual test scores. It would have helped in verifying the cause of the high score...
  7. Ticket ID: 260 Priority: Low Please add this cpu to the list: http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=533717 Seems like the 530, 550 and 575 is the only merom cpus entered at the moment. Thank you Komadyret
  8. What thread count did you set? It might very well make a huge impact. Test it, and see what you get
  9. This might also be a problem for cpu's that are modded to have their multis unlocked. Hypotheticaly, if I unlock an Athlon XP1800+ and raises the multi to reflect a XP2000+, what category will I post that in? And if I have a QX/EX cpu, and set the multi to the same as some Q/E equivalent, can I then post it as a Q/E? Just rambling on here. A bios flash of a card shouldn't force a member to post that in a different category. What about all those flashing modified bioses for their cards, or factory superclocked cards? Each and every one of those should then be posted in a category matching that spesific bios info, not in the acctual category of that card...? For the mods; thread carefully. This must be handled wisely
  10. I would like to think at least one of these have to go? http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=668325 http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=587454 I'd say this is obviously same result posted/scanned twice Happy Benching
  11. Thanks hipro
  12. There is a little app for this? Cool! Would you care to drop a linky to the piece in question? (I know, I'm too lazy to go look)
  13. Gomer: Try and run at slightly different OC's. The single card able to score 130k in 3dm03 isn't yet made available to public (If it's even made) I've encountered these bugged runs with quite a few gfx cards. Run the bench a couple of times on slightly different overclocks and see what will contitute a reasonable and true result.
  14. LOL Well, I did better with my Radeon 7200 w/D805 cpu. A bit over 150k in fact, even gave me a orb link. But heck, why bother to submitt bugged runs Happy benching
  15. And while at it with the 8800GT 512MB, look at this one too... Impressive for a Pentium D? Might be good tho... http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=804026
  16. I'm with you on that r1ch. I don't think a score should be left standing if it obviousy didn't meet the requirements for a valid submission at the time of posting. Not even if the score has been left unnoticed for months/years. The score in question don't show any proof that it was run at default resolution? It may be defaulting to a different resolution beeing a mobile gpu and all (hardware limitation), despite beeing a unregistered 3dmark03 copy? It is not even showing the full screenie, to hint at the resolution-capabilities of the lcdpanel.
  17. It's part of the GMA 950 family. I'm not sure if specs are similar enough for these to be posted inthe same class? I see a possible error here, jmke. GMA950 (the requested 945G?) and the 82945G are possibly sorces of confusion. You might want to assign a minute to check out the submissions in these classes and check if there are any submissions gone wrong?
  18. No worries, as long as he gets through and get his questions answered Isn't that why we have a multinational crew?
  19. Yeah, and your collection of AMD cpu's needs a truck to move around LOL
  20. And then to the; "I sold this cpu to person X on my team who benched it and then sold it to person Y on our team, who benched it" etc... "We even have receipts for the bank transfers going around, and there was some trades included too", and " now, after 6 months I found new use for the cpu and bought it back from whoever on my team had it at the moment". We can all see the problems of verification of the "ownership" I'm not gonna come up with what I think the ultimate sollution should be, cause I don't have one...
  21. Rules have changed through the years... But I do agree with you r1ch. There should be a posibilty to have SOME verification up even after a cretain time, and a screenie/verification that is not in compliance with the rules AT TIME OF POSTING should be taken down, regardless of age and if the score is "suspicious" or not. Also, I agree with the mods. If a score isn't questioned after 6 months, I should be able to take down the orb-link (verification) and free up some space for fresh runs with new hardware for the ORB. A screenshot uploaded tho, are down to the hwbot maintainers discretion to remove.
  22. A stray gfx card, CPU or board isn't the problem as I see it. The problem is when a bench setup with obviously the same hardware takes a tour among members and get benched at what is obviously the very same settings, maybe it's even the same set of bench runs beeing posted? It's when such occurences pop up one starts to get ideas of limiting points to the best score for the team with the cpu or gfx instead of the best score of the member, which will limit this site to a team effort, not a personal effort. Just my thoughts on the matter. I'm sure hwbot will find a way to handle the issue properly eventually.
  23. Put the posts through google translation and see if it makes sense.... It still doesn't to me, but maybe someone else....?
  24. I did, and it all add up. Cores, steppings etc. But multis change over the various screenies, and the cpu-z was the worst with it'sx22 multi.... lol Well. No big deal really. Results are reasonable and all is fine, except the cpu-z in each of the screenies
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