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Everything posted by Chiller

  1. are there pics of measuring points for the VGPU of the MSI GTX460 Cyclone ?
  2. well for even risk your cpu, i find there may also WR points coming for. Risk and skill needs wr points
  3. dude, add me with msn or send me email, you got also a SR-2 mobo ? witch cpu's you have?
  4. cpu doens't work on SR-2 mobo
  5. cpu doesn't work on SR-2 mobo
  6. correction stock speed 3.60 Ghz
  7. strange, i didn't see it in the list of processors. maybe i looked over it ? thanks Turrican
  8. Processor specifications requests : Celeron s478 2.20Ghz intel 2002 Celeron 2.20ghz/128/400 SL6W2 http://ark.intel.com/Product.aspx?id=27176 Celeron s478 are only in 1.7ghz and 2ghz version, i have a 2.20ghz version and it's not listed, please add this one. Then i can soon bench it on p4p800 mobo. Some bugs here that first post is not shown completly ?
  9. Processor specifications requests : Celeron s478 2.20Ghz intel 2002 Celeron 2.20ghz/128/400 SL6W2 http://ark.intel.com/Product.aspx?id=27176 Celeron s478 are only in 1.7ghz and 2ghz version, i have a 2.20ghz version and it's not listed, please add this one. Then i can soon bench it on p4p800 mobo.
  10. and even some people did Extreme Overclocking with ln2 on there 3-core, and receive a few points for their work on pressing everything out of the cpu. While with 4-core the points are massive.
  11. if 3D gets WR points, then i should do the same with every benchmark. superpi, pifast, wprime and all, server or not, example : wprime is seperated in different sections per CORE. Even if you do it with a server, the scores should be the same as the amount of submissions in that section. If it's a WR and only 20 scores, or WR and 20.000 users should also be a different in WRpoints. And only the top20 gets WRpoints? I should make there top50 of or so.
  12. nice score, nice points. try to get higher and set uncore for 4000Mhz. don't get the vga or cpu higher?
  13. superpi is single treaded programma, dus HT uitzetten zelfs op 2cores is al voldoende, en je uncore eens op 4000Mhz of errond zetten, krijg je nog betere score
  14. niet slecht voor het begin
  15. transparant windows score trekt op niks he ?
  16. idd een punt is een punt, vergeten windows aero op te zetten, kom es msn
  17. idd punt is punt, kom es msn je was vergeten om windows Aero op te zetten
  18. where are the scores ? come on. post them
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