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Everything posted by Chiller

  1. the westmere mod is a good thing from shammy. nice score by the way
  2. no OCP mod ? then it's time to do it, and get even higher OC on GPU
  3. what's up with the dick on your mobo lol
  4. i'm for the idea that everybody benches with his own hardware. Teaming up is one thing, but not every country has a lot overclockers, and don't live in the noughtbourhood maybe.
  5. can also part of the mobo that it didn't clocked well
  6. i have a lot of socket cpu's, but they don't show up how much i have with achievements
  7. following cpu is not in hwbot list : P4 517 2.93Ghz more info : http://ark.intel.com/Product.aspx?id=27456 i just bought it, still need to bench it
  8. i will post it asap
  9. unlocked can not be the problem , it is a different vga. other vga's you can also unlock some stuff, and still is in a different category.
  10. please add following vga Asus V9999Le AGP, because it's different from the 6800Le agp. less pixel shaders and vertex shaders. Has the same NV40 core, but less shader and pipelines then the 6800Le agp. It has 128Mb mem. 8 pipelines and 2 vertex shaders againt the 6800Le has 16 pipelines and 6shaders.
  11. maybe not a good chip? not all chips OC that good 5Ghz on ait. This was on a formula special without Vmod, and 4.9 was the best i get with it. but got new ones lined up for next round
  12. put new ram on it then. nice score
  13. nice score, but is it not 5.9Ghz instead of 59Ghz ? lol.
  14. it's another version then you can download on 3dGuru is see ?
  15. ooowww ok, i downloading it now, let's try. did you read your PM about the 3 reported scores of mine Mass ?
  16. is this also good, it is the demo version DX11 and looks somehow different
  17. dude, voor je score rapporteerd, kijk wel eerst met welke hardware, welke OC. Of PhysX staat aangevinkt in GpuZ of niet, maakt geen fluit uit. In je benchmark kun je PhysX ook uitzetten, en degene die er alleen echt gebruikt van maakt is Vantage. En als ge mijn scores bekijkt met welke hardware en OC, zijn het perfect normale scores. Ken uw hardware, PhysX bij vantage zou ik cpu score hebben van +65K, en k heb maar 42K wat heel normaal is voor een 980X op 4.7ghz. Ken je hardware dude
  18. nice, keep it coming
  19. that's right, is not possible cpu on 4.7ghz or +5ghz, gpu the same ? and score is total over it???
  20. en k bedoel t op iedereen En zeker op die HF f*ckers die komen z**ken, ben t beu, da ze mij gewoon gerust laten, kinders
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