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Everything posted by Chiller

  1. when i submitted a score, how to add afterwords a pic of the setup ?


    check my score at 3dmark03 X1950xtx



  2. when it detects my cpu good, and there's no bug in program, then it's solved
  3. you solved it ? there's nothing solved, just deleted, so i can't run and submit score now because it detect's my wrong. what's there about solved ?
  4. yes i know but, before they showed up in ranking but no points. and fow some categories there is no 6core list available, can that be corrected ?
  5. why is my score not in the ranking list ?
  6. no cheat, false detection of cpu, is not my problem, i ran it, and that's my score, simple
  7. that's something you are fast with he? blocked result? i have also contact with creator of Program, testing now internal beta for him. he only says cpu with L3 cache doesn't be recognized properly, not bug
  8. just disable them in bios
  9. i tried with less cores, and jou're right, less cores more score. first HT off, then only two cores on. now you have more then one result of me you can compare. now the score with only 2 cores are of the chart lol. That TEC contraction i mounted is a Freezone Elite TEC Chiller, and it cools very good on Gulfy. With only 2cores activated, the coolant starts to freeze lol. going subzero, needed to put toiletpapier on the cpu for no ice forming lol. i only change the stock cpu block with a heatkiller 3.0 for better cooling because the stock cpu block is a bad toy
  10. you have rigt, less cores, HT off, is higher score. now past 5000, trying to get higher. and do more testing with less cores
  11. ok, i try with HT of, lets see, what that does, maybe 5000 who knows. and submit the score
  12. if i had a Bloomfield, i would run it, but i got alone a Gulftown Q3QP unlocked. The memory is Corsair Dominator GT 2000 cl7 3x 1Gb. and everythime the benchmark is correct en submitted succesfull, so i don't think i got a bug. everytime the run is between 4300 and 4600, and when i get my memory higher it goes to 4800. so maybe when i cool the memory good, i should get hopefully 5000
  13. don't have a bloomfield at the moment in the house
  14. i will run more and more tests with maxmem ok? try to get as high as possible. i'm going to run it now at stock like the settings are 24/7 a day , maybe it is that i have a Gulftown with more L3 cache or so ? i don't know, the score is everytime above 4000. and succesfull, no errors or anything.
  15. this is my daily setup and daily vista, only set other cooling fins on my memory, and set the timings in bios lower, not only the 7-8-7-20 65 1T but other settings also. as you can see, i ran this benchmark several times, and getting higher and higher with lower timings. So i think no bug.
  16. whant to join my Team ?
  17. most people don't complaine, or they are on other side of world and still a sleep. this is only the first few hours, there will be more to come that are going to complain. i lost the trust in Hwbot now and my opinion is that Hwbot is NOT anymore the standaard of the world for ranking. a WR with a cpu that only 5 people have gets less points then a 920 where 20.000 people have. this can't be right
  18. i agree with this, Hwbot is filling up with complaints in just a few houres, and USA isn't awake now ? OOHHH my god, Hwbot is maybe going to crash with all this complaints. Well HWbot make your conclusions, Where are indeed the people using Hwbot for a good time now, and this rumors, complaints klachten. think good about this, we are indeed the people !!!!!!!!!!!! And very much indeed (who is awake) are NOT satify with this REV3 bummer
  19. expensive hardware you need for best results. best result, WR records as a example will have then less points then a E8600 ??? What the use of Hwbot fairplay then? A World Record place with less points then a E8600 ????????????
  20. most rewarding is benching with most popular hardware ? WTF ? and if you have a WR with hardware you are the only one on the planet ? You get NOTHING THEN ??? correction : 0.1point. how is it possible the the global ranking, place of the world now is not so important anymore ? yust having the most popuilar hardware.
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