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Everything posted by Chiller

  1. hope so, i had good scores already on dice, scores posted in starttopic. so i hope i will get 1000-1100Mhz core now, and take all nr1 in benchmarks lol. I can't wait till wednesday hahahahaha
  2. GTX285 + Untouchables prepped for ln² time. Delivery ln² on wednesday, also will do 580 classified on ln² and if i have some ln² left will do some CpuZ crunching :
  3. and now he admits it, http://gathering.tweakers.net/forum/list_message/37030798#37030798 That nobody finds out, use Google translate and you will see in english. i made screenshot of proof if he deletes it in that dutch topic.
  4. but read the topioc link i posted. there in that topic you see that 1 8800gtx is from Wesjuhdabumb and 1 is from nedernakker. And posted scores with the SLI on both profiles. That's NOT allowed. Second : 4870X2 is from Nedernakker, and now also scores is posted on Wesjuhdabumb profile, what is NOT allowed. this is pure hardware sharing, they benched together last weekend.
  5. // MOD-BREAK: There was no violation of the rules. ------------------- Hi guys, can the mods do something about sharing vga's?? specially when it's show in public and visible : 8800GTx is from Wesjuhdabumb one 8800gtx and 4870X2 is from nedernakker Benching together as you can read here Wesjuhdabumb making his 8800gtx ready for transport to nedernakker (i quoted it, so they cannot delete it fast) : http://gathering.tweakers.net/forum/list_message/37030298#37030298 As you can read on that page and previous page that they where benching together and as rules say : http://hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=14815&postcount=151 Summarized the rules regarding team benching like they are now. Some need to be re-written or add some line to + need to add sponsored events. These rules are about CPU and GPU, not motherboards/ram/tweaks. Bench alone: - post results with your own hardware - post results with hardware you have for review, send by the manufacturer himself - FORBIDDEN: post results not done by you / not your hardware. Bench session with more than 1 person: - post result to account of owner of the hardware (3d: vga, 2d: cpu) - when sli bench with two owners (each one card) post result to one account (you can chose which account) - FORBIDDEN: post multiple results of the same session spread over different accounts - FORBIDDEN: share cpu on 2D and/or gpu on 3D benches with team members to gain more points. Is only one of the two alloowed to submit on his profile, as you can see here, they share the results what is NOT allowed, they do it more, but now is proof :
  6. ik had geen mounting vo me kingpin pot die pastte op me GTX580 Classified, dus heb k maar een F1EE cpu pot erop gezet, maar moest mobo omdraaien daarvoor en dus mobo vast getaped aan een doos, gettomod lol
  7. a 3Gb model vga gives quite the kick in 3dmark11, try it. GPU core is more important then vga mem. Keep it up Splave, monster score anyway
  8. You didn't use bios version with Extreme Tweaking option, and tweaking? Otherwise you had much more in this score, keep it up
  9. It's 1124 points lower then mine : http://hwbot.org/submission/2216253_
  10. stop subitting as 6970, you use 6950 and submit only as 6950 !!!!! Even you're screenshot doesn't have the required information, read the rules of Hwbot !
  11. told you, read the rules if you don't know what the rules are here on Hwbot
  12. posted scores the same screenshot and score as 6950 AND 6970, here are all the double scores, has 6950 unlocked shaders : http://gathering.tweakers.net/forum/list_messages/1474815/17 3dmark06 http://hwbot.org/submission/2215675_ http://hwbot.org/submission/2215676_ 3dmark06 dual GPU : http://hwbot.org/submission/2212899_sebasss2_3dmark06_2x_radeon_hd_6970_39390_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/2212923_sebasss2_3dmark06_2x_radeon_hd_6950_39390_marks 3dmark11 : http://hwbot.org/submission/2210891_sebasss2_3dmark11___performance_radeon_hd_6950_8008_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/2212921_sebasss2_3dmark11___performance_radeon_hd_6970_8008_marks 3dmark11 dual GPU : http://hwbot.org/submission/2213110_sebasss2_3dmark11___performance_2x_radeon_hd_6950_13249_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/2212898_sebasss2_3dmark11___performance_2x_radeon_hd_6970_13249_marks vantage http://hwbot.org/submission/2215670_ http://hwbot.org/submission/2215671_ Vantage dual GPU : http://hwbot.org/submission/2215673_sebasss2_3dmark_vantage___performance_2x_radeon_hd_6950_42848_marks http://hwbot.org/submission/2215672_sebasss2_3dmark_vantage___performance_2x_radeon_hd_6970_42848_marks Told you before and don't whant to listen that this is not allowed.
  13. no double posting as 6950 AND 6970, read the rules, submit score to model of hardware, even when you flashed it, unlocked shaders, it's still a 6950 ! Read the rules
  14. just the cpu, but still nice, why not increase score even more by pushing GPU harder then just 1000core ?
  15. Disable OCP by : X:/Gpu-Z.exe /GTX570OCP command
  16. yes, ranking up, did nothing else latest weeks. Looking for a new ln² supplier, so the GTX285 + untouchable, gtx580 classified, 5870 lightning and 8800gt + untouchables goes ALL under ln²
  17. And this is the best guide there is : http://kingpincooling.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1412
  18. More pics will follow. Vdrop is very low, because the Untouchables is very powerfull, very stable. Had constant measurement of vGPU while benching. Was thinking of adding more Capacitors, but this is rock solid as it is. How and what is more info here : http://kingpincooling.com/forum/showthread.php?t=980 http://kingpincooling.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1095
  19. thanks SoF, you got the idea
  20. it's the idea of having fun, and make some HW points lol. It can't be bad for the vga offcourse. Next will be an Evga 8800GT 512mb on the untouchables.
  21. every vga is different, the one is better then another one. But cleaner power, less rimple, more ampere possible, accurate setting of vGPU etc etc etc, will only make overclock better, higher and more stable then the stock PWM. It's pure electronics offcourse.
  22. don't know, can't you make a button here? It will be better, more stable and better OC then stock PWM, because stock PWM was only 4phase and now with the Untouchables Rev0.1 it's 10+3phase, only the vMEM is not used, mem still get's it's power from stock PWM. Only 10phase from Untouchy are connected for vGPU, much more cleaner power, less rimple effect in current etc..... And fine tuning voltages by EVbot
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