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Everything posted by Chiller

  1. new scores submitted 3471. And this time correct screenshot lol
  2. resubmitted new score with correct screenshot lol
  3. can happen, like leeghoofd said, need more sleep hahahaha. will correct it by running it again, or find correct screenshot if i have it still
  4. oeps, looking for the correct one, can happen lol
  5. clock that cpu and gpu's !!! with tweacks 50k is in you're hands
  6. nice run, this is how it's needs to be, go for nr1 now
  7. yes it's the capacity and used as secondary drive, not as boot drive.
  8. didn't do any effort for it just ran it on my 24/7 installation for fun
  9. nice chip there, but you need XP for superpi
  10. nice going there, second user (and me) i see with Untouchables.
  11. those cpu's should do more on LN², on dice i got it to 4.9
  12. what are the mods you did on that vga ? do i see there 12v lines going to input Choke ?
  13. with that cpu, you need to get better scores, Aquamark and 3dmark01 is all about tweacks and those 2 benchmarks need fast cpu, and that you have
  14. read the rules how to submit, benchmark, benchmark settings, and subscores NOT visible
  15. you need to run XP performance with 169 driver, you will have better scores/points.
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