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Everything posted by Chiller

  1. benchmark settings not visible is a rule, don't know? then read the rules how to submit
  2. and only 1.95Vcore ? What can this chip do when you can give it 2.04v ?
  3. Or they don't work, or they are not compatible on you're mobo
  4. wprime is rule multi 50x or lower? How come people submitt on multi 54 and more ?
  5. not done yet, need to test another harddrive and transparant windows can be done better.
  6. i love zombie cards, nice going there Tin
  7. Than cpu can go higher, but i think you're limited to max Vcore in bios correct ? Why not try a Vmod Vcore ? Or a asus commando 2.04Vcore
  8. So when i whant to upload a submission on hwbot profiel i need to change browser? Again something of a sponsor? Is google of firefox a sponsor maybe ?
  9. Hi, There's a bug with maxmem, not possible to submit a score, get error, "select mem" what i did select ddr2 and try to submit, but whont take the selection witch mem i use (ddr2)
  10. hw or soft raid, raid is raid no ? Fusion-IO drive are different drives of. single drive, but maybe internal more in raid? 6x acard is 6 drives no?
  11. single cpu - number of cores single Revodrive - number of internal 2 or 4 so should it be with single drive - number of controllers internal then. A single drive RevodriveX2 still doesn't compete to 4x ssd on a raid controller or onboard.
  12. revodrive and revodriveX2 is a single drive, how the internals are doesn't matter.
  13. hw monitor? Everest or some kind of hardware information tool.
  14. if it's not listed here in start post, then i don't think so
  15. this run can be better, you're efficience can be better
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