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Posts posted by Kal-EL

  1. I only remember a handful of people complaining about the way it is now. Those are the same talking about hardware sharing as well. I would vote just leave it alone but that option isn't available unless you are considering "... oh, and also, I don't like changes" that option. I can't tell though as the last option is either worded weird or have some slick message hidden behind it. I like changes just not this change. A simple "no" or "leave it the way it is" would have been sufficient. Definitely not voting for Alternative #2 even though it is the closet thing to what we have. Can't because it has the latest proposal clinging on to it. Again, my 2 cents.


    I agree. I'd rather have NO CHANGE than any of the proposed changes listed here. These Revisions are Team Killers and Participation Killers which effectually is a site Traffic Killer and Exposure Killer for the Manufacturers.


    I've always told my guys that from the top of the ladder to the bottom, every bencher on our team is equally important. The guy with 3000 points is no more important than the rest of the team. And you know what, it keeps everyone motivated, everyone feels they are more than just an individual going it alone. They feel apart of something bigger than themselves. I got a kid, kikicoco benches his ass off every month because he feels a part of a family. He has ZERO global points. Under REV. 4 it would be utterly fruitless for him to post a single score on behalf of the team. He'd instantly be insignificant. He's not the only one either. What am I supposed to tell him now? "Kiki, keep benching for the team bro, it'll make your rich, help you score chicks, and get you a cool new job, but most definitely it won't matter one lick to the team"??????


    It appears as if Rev. 4 would pretty much change the Team Rankings into a "individual" Overclockers League Ranking system. Under, Rev. 4, it would effectively turn away less supported, less financially capable overclockers from participating in any Team Competition.



    One guy, well seeded/supported by a manufacturer, on a "one man team" could quite possibly dominate the Team Rankings indefinitely. Throw six of these guys together and you may as well kiss it.


    Last time I checked with the Doctor, he told me that Manufacturers are interested in traffic, participation and marketing exposure. I see Rev 4 killing off a ton of participation which would in turn take with it traffic and marketing exposure.


    The reasons I've read for Rev 4 appear to be mainly about bitching. In this instance bitching about "Hardware Sharing". Its odd because I've read more bitching about Rev 4 than anything else ever. There was concern about bitching moving to some other area besides "Hardware Sharing". Yah, it'll move far away to another area alright.


    I understand the large amount of time and effort Massman has put into this Rev 4 idea. Heck, I even read two instances of him saying "please" to the membership. Kudos for effort bro but Rev 4 I really really think is bad business.

  2. - Create a tool that shows a specific CPU/CPU ID to prevent hardware sharing


    - Create a field where you can put in the batch of the cpu at the submissions =)


    A gpu id tool would be great too ;)


    Or an Hwbot app that runs in the background with your unique hwbot purchased product key that records all processes, date, time stamp, has a screenshot feature that takes screenshot and uploads all the info to hwbot with your unique key attached, gets verified and approved. Crash? too bad.


    Only runs on Retail hardware, grabs ID's from everything possible. Provides bank account info for hwbot financial support.

  3. When a river is flooding water into your village, building a big wall so it floods to a nearby village is not the solution.


    Maybe you can reduce the bitching about 'hardware sharing' to a minimum, but what's the point if it increases the bitching about 'double accounts', for instance? Or just make the rankings a lot worse (where the biggest team always wins)?


    The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire, we don't need no flooding, let the mofo burn, burn mofo burn?

  4. Elmor has a 1450MHz GTX480 and a 1425MHz GTX480. He keeps the former to himself and sends the latter to all his team mates.


    Also, it's possible to have team sessions. You invite your team mates to bench at your place so you have full control over the golden piece of hardware. Also the three other issues I mentioned before.


    There are all manners of possibilities, I think we've all come to that conclusion.


    I don't think anyone has the silver bullet that will cure all evils. If thats what we're looking for, may as well stop looking cuz it doesn't exist.


    I thought we were working towards a more achievable goal of reducing hardware sharing.

  5. Good.


    I'll join join forces with a couple of teams so that we have an 'OC army' of roughly 1000 overclockers, send them my golden GTX480 and destroy all.


    That'll be interesting.


    How many people would actually send a "Golden" anything to their m8's?

    To me thats both stupid and crazy. That "Golden" would be "Deaden" in no time flat.

  6. Quickly checked the Crimestoppers site ... looks like a good idea. The key point, however, is that this is a anonymous system. So, rewarding someone with a system is not possible.


    To what extend do you see Team Captains play a role? There are 1000+ teams on HWBOT, which means there are 1000+ team captains as well. Having a dedicated subforum with 1000 people posting might not be that much better than posting everything in public.


    For the most part I see that the Team Captains from a great majority of teams have the support and respect of their team members.


    Rather than many voices shouting (some at a varying degree of frustration or emo state) at one time, you have one or two voices from a particluar team that speak deliberately rather than brashly.


    With any luck, you'll have Team's Discussing issues within their own community and Team Captains presenting those issues, concerns or thoughts with one "Reasonable" voice.


    This may work well for Team related hwbot business in a sub-forum but general issues would still need to be discussed in an open forum as there are many players here that don't belong to a "Team".


    So, instead of having 1000+ teams with anywhere from 5 to 300 members each, lets say 300,000 members all posting whatever comes to mind at any particular moment, you have 1000+ people who have discussed the issue within their Team and come to a well thought out consensus on what they feel should be expressed and the manner in which it should be conveyed.

  7. I think Sweet has good thoughts on making the rules so very clear as to remove any doubt what is within the rules and what is not. Also, requiring more information in the screenshots like the mainboard and spd tabs is a step in the right direction. Requiring complete screenshots from the top of the ranking to the bottom, irregardless of FM links provided or not, IMO is a step in the right direction. Holding Team Captains accountable for their team members actions will prompt them to keep a closer eye on whats happening within their teams, take action! and likely result in self-regulated removal of suspected violations ordered by the Team Captains themselves before any complaints are actually lodged.

    Should be required on the screens the mainboard tab, and full screen windows, without any cuts, including the taskbar,... include this in the rules would be better temporarily until it reaches something about

    I think it will be better...


    How bout starting some sort of CrimeStoppers system where if a member has knowledge of hardware sharing violations and can provide concrete evdience of sharing, the rat bastard gets acknowledged publicly for standing up for what's right and gets a free system sponsored by the manufacturers here at hwbot. (prolly an unpopular suggestion)


    Whatever comes, I hope things can be resolute and widely amiable soon, regardless of any disagreement I've had in the past, I've always appreciated the db service provided here at hwbot but I know there are already more than a few groups from different nations working hard on creating their own rendition of hwbot.

  8. IMO there should be no law that you cant police.

    Allow hardware sharing? Idk there will always be a way to cheat or get around it.


    A pic of the cpu ihs and gpu ihs is irrelevant. Heres a pic of my 6.6ghz superpi 32m chip (it doesnt do over 5.9ghz prove it)

    A required video could be taken in a different room of the same persons house

    Holding team captains responsible is good I suppose unless they are the ones running the sharing scheme

    Auto flagging wouldnt work, I for one know I run the exact same HDD, psu, memmory, cpu and vga as most on my team


    There is just no way to quash sharing, so make it legal?

    The call was for suggestions on how to reduce it.

    If the team captain is running the sharing scheme, then its a smart bullet to place in that member's head to kill that scheme.

  9. Okay.

    Since the thread is a bit more quiet now, I can make a post that will be seen. Adjusting the plans a bit: we'll keep the current team format (all points awarded) and have some sort of PowerTeam ranking which is all about having top scores. This "split-up" is pretty much similar to the current Overclockers League versus Hardware Masters.

    The big team league (all points) will, most likely, be main ranking for teams.

    Now, does anyone have any suggestions to reduce hardware/score sharing?

    I see.


    - Have submissions also include pics of cpu ihs and gpu ihs

    - require video of scores that fall into the top 5 ranking

    - Hold Team Captains responsible in addition to the offenders of Hardware/Score sharing.

    - Solicit Futuremark for support in auto-flagging identical hardware id setups in 3D apps



  10. People weren't born yesterday.

    No, people werent born yesterday, just you. You should probably find a way out of this thread after being embarrassed so badly. Maybe pretend like you feel bad for pissing on it for several pages with your oca fettishes. If this was XS forums you could go back and ninja delete your fail posts.



  11. Yah sorry man it's a shame I have to resort to this but then again it's a good majority of one team ( you have been decent ) gangbanging one guy, time to set the record straight and put an end to the twisted stories the public is hearing.


    There are 2 sides to every story and then theres what really happend......now the public can compare the 2 and see which is sticking closer to the truth.


    BTW numerous PM's went out like this on XS that day.


    We thought it was pretty hysterical. I love my political reply too, too bad it didn't prevent you from your rigorous assault on OCA. Your lame attempt at blackballing OCA failed miserably. In the end, the only mind you managed twist was Fugger's.


    Is there another direction you'd like to go or are you still grasping at straws on the hardware sharing thing? Take your time, maybe a day or so to think up something clever to ninja edit/ add to your posts that will disguise your fail filled attempt at yet another OCA character assassination attempt.


    Whats sad is you'll never stop, you're consumed by the name OCA, it haunts your soul that you'll never get a leg up. You had every chance to save face and not look like a fool but here we are yet again with another foolish Chrolley ride on the Chroll train. I think deep down inside in some twisted fashion, you wish you were on the #1 ranked U.S. Overclocking Team. I guess we should take it as a compliment that you are so obsessed with us. Lemme know when you want a lock of my hair.


    What? No admition to calling splave an asshole and lying about knowing who he is? I wouldnt admit that either, if I was spineless. I'd try and re-direct attention away from anything I was proven to be absolutely wrong about.


    I 100% guarantee that whomever your little chat screenshot conversation is with, THEY ARE NOT a Team OCA member.

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