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Posts posted by Kal-EL

  1. AndreYang, you never fail to impress with your scores mate :)

    With great power comes great responsibility ;) dont forget



    PS wtf at the 1st half of this thread, gave me a stomach ache wadding through that bullshit. :( All of you can buy 12 980x's noone is stopping you.


    Any idea which shop sells 12 pieces of 6.2ghz Vantage chips? I'll drop the dough if you're in the know.


    Andre, where do you buy your chips from? or is it bought straight from intel?

  2. Ya you are right. Hence I spoke my mind ;) Saying that those comments weren't implying that these runs were ES cloaked as retail is naive. Yes those runs were smoking hot retail or not.


    No, you joined the popular crowd in making an ASSUmption. His post relates to the other threads here at hwbot where there is a debate over the detection or deception of ES vs Retail. Naive is thinking you are an authority on implications thats somehow compelled to notify people when and where they are out of line.


    Easy to dogpile on people, but I guess if I'm out of line or way off, you'll let me know asap or wait at least until a few others say so first so your not alone in speaking out of your mind, which is cool if thats what your speaking out of.


    Try taking words at face value instead of seeking implications or hidden meanings, it'll help you get around the internet better. If you have a question as to the possible implications, ask before you make an assumption.

  3. rofl, I double dare you :D



    Bill, you are out of line man. Way to quick to call cheat. Sorry but I gotta say it. Plus it's just bad for the whole community to start this crap.


    I don't think he called cheat unless someone deleted a post I didn't read, seems to me he was highlighting the fact that you can't prove or disprove its ES or Retail.


    Whats bad for the community is when people can't speak their minds, thats bad for the community. Swearing is unnecessary, however, and Massman already addressed that.


    Benchzowner tends to speak his mind which is something that alot of people are afraid to do and then you have the TOOL Top Ten Groupies that will say or do anything their god's tell them to do.


    Bottom line, its a bad arse, smoking hot score, ES or Retail don't matter, its sick retarded fast as heck. :celebration:

  4. Hypothetically:


    Those who worry about being categorized into the "PRO" league unfairly because they only recieve one stick of ram every six months from a manufacturer, I say this, you're already competing in the "PRO" league right now. We already compete (not really competition) with Nick, Andre, Hi guys and others right now as it stands, its no different now. Your current ranking will either get better as the field narrows in the pro league or stay the same, not get worst.



    • Does splitting the leagues have pro's and con's, yes. Does doing nothing make everyone happy, yes and no. However, I think the majority are discontented with the current situation.

    • How a new split category performs will be entirely up to the willingness and capabilities of hwbot and its staff. We can't expect them to bend over backwards and take on un-realistic tasks like watching each and every 30 minute benching videos that verify hardware specs. Only hwbot can say what is un-realistic and what isn't as only they know what they are capable of regulating or willing to regulate.

    • There would not be some of these problems if the opt-out "do not participate in rankings" feature was used by well backed by manufacturer overclockers. If the top 10 or 20 overclockers could be polled to find out what really matters to them. Points? Cups? Benchmark Standings? Point Standings? or are they mainly concerned with pushing they're manufacturers goals and objectives? After all when people look at the rankings for an individual benchmark their awe is who's on top or in the top three. Manufacturers are only concerned with seeing their product marketed atop the rankings, they would still be happy here as well. Are these guys after raw competition?

    • Also consider the goals and objectives of Hwbot itself. I'm not sure specifically what those goals and objectives are but the majority of us make the assumption that they exist to serve us. Define "us". Is it the majority? the minority? the manufacturers? the pros? the joes? I'd love to see a specific response this question, a mission statement of sorts.
    • Personally, I'm interested in seeing overclocking and extreme overclocking continue to grow and expand to people that ordinarily wouldnt experience the joy of overclocking. Its good for manuf's, joes, pros, everybody

    Most of the time people just grin and bear it when they see something they don't like without saying a word. This doesnt solve any problems and just festers silently as people walk away from the competitions.

  5. That sidenote was not about winning or losing, it's only to elaborate on how the voting systems can give a wrong impression. As Tin said: as there are more non-smokers than smokers, a vote on disallowing smoking will very likely end up against smoking. Possibly because it's the right way, but also possibly because there's a majority of non-smokers.


    In this way, a group of people can always block another group of people, even if the outcome doesn't make sense. It's a similar bias of those who have a crazy ES voting yes and those who have 100 weak ES voting totally no.


    A voting poll can always be used as guideline, but should not be used as tool to determine the path taken. If the latter was the case, you'd simply say "the mob knows best", which has been proven incorrect scientificly :P.


    Well that illustrates your point much better than all the dancing :banana::nana: , it seemed for a while your point was to just ignore all aspects of the poll. I chalked it up to sword fighting syndrome.

  6. Clipboard016.png


    Your proposed solution of banning all ES is not supported by the community. Oh, wait ... we need more votes, right?


    Your right Massman, given the existing parameters of the poll, it is readily apparent that thusfar the majority are in favor of keeping ES chips here at hwbot under the following conditions that ES CHIPS ARE NOT GIVEN POINTS or ARE PLACED INTO A SEPERATE LEAGUE.

    Can't argue with that logic at all. Guess your gonna start moving the ES into a new category or remove points now?

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