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Everything posted by Doc.Brown

  1. For fun could we have server submit log like for previous stages please ?
  2. Tested lazy mod three times with different size of solder and it never works on my 5820K ES with SOC Force Rev1.0,first boot after soldering always failed(don't remenber the post code) but second/next boots were goods and when I unmount CPU the solder seems to had melt again
  3. I did the 30257 score once but it was with the first wallpaper released after competition announcement ...
  4. And why not change/cancel everything and simply give one SOC Force LN2 to every one or make one stage where the best minesweeper score win :nana:
  5. Wallpaper is here : http://news.hwbot.org/Competitions/1008_GigabyteTargetOc/Wallpaper.jpg Competition start the 10/08/2014 but the first ranking start the 10/19/2014 so we're not able to submit before the 19 ?
  6. Thanks Next time with NB under cold...
  7. I encountered the same problem as you under CB11.5,software error and impossible to run it over 5800mhz even with lower Vcore...tried different settings,different OS,other RAM,heaviest pot but nothing to do I've got two chips with same batch,this one wich is the better and another one wich did 6375mhz max screen,the second 150 can run CB11.5 higher than this one and with higher Vcore(1.7v max after there's CB error). That's a very strange issue
  8. Oh yes you're right,my mistake!I really don't know I could forgot it even more that "Especially For You" with Jason Donovan is already my favorite song yet
  9. No Eeky,not finished yet.This one doesn't scale with cold and I don't talk about the G3258 I took for possibly beginning an Force LN2 board quest in Giga's competition ^^
  10. I don't take any action,I received mail about reporting/moderating for this score and that's all.
  11. Look at the date of submition man,I don't waste my time on this sh*t anymore,if you think it's buggued run so report it to a moderator...
  12. You don't put the good value for your score,your RAM frequencie is at 930 mhz so you have to fill 930 for the score
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