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Everything posted by Doc.Brown

  1. Yep,not so bad.I've got to work on sub-timings now ^^
  2. Sponsorship contract dude ... but i've got only the pens
  3. Yep 1.70v under load(1.4v idle) and the card is still alive ,I could put much but score and mhz decrease,I think a better cooling will be the solution.
  4. What's the latest bios for the M4E-Z with 3DM01 option please? I put the 0498 but it hasn't the Xtrem tweaker option thanks
  5. Ouaip,tu penses bien que j'ai essayé Mais c'est pas stabilisable pour bench malheureusement,alors que je benchais un poil plus haut sans soucis sur la P67 Deluxe
  6. I keep it for the 1st run,change to basic,switch user/log on,change to architecture theme(for the last score I submited) and kill all the unescessary process before the entire pcmark run For the moment I downloaded Lion TP,it seems on your screen you changed some visual parameters (window border,policies etc)...I think I'll do some test this weekend to try that and to increase the web page rendering
  7. No problems with that,I also think it's the most interresting way to learn :celebration: No I kill explorer process during the benchmark.
  8. PcMark is yours Thanks for the hints,I hope I'll find the way to
  9. Good job Denis,impressive Transparent Window and Web Page Rendering scores...How???
  10. bah ça va,t'es devant sur tous les autres
  11. Thanks Denis ;)Perhaps I'll take another ssd soon
  12. there's heavy score here,impressive result buddy
  13. Ouaip mais peux mieux faire quand méme ;)Pour l'eau je ne sais pas car pas de sonde mais sous le bios le proc était à 19/20° et la mobal à 4°
  14. +1 :ws: When you push up your GPU or do a copy-waza you've got a better score after,when you try to stay under the cap limit it's for nothing The spirit is to push hw over the limit to reach the better score as we can,not to be the best slowclocker.
  15. Well,I understand the "investing time development" argument. I developped all my arguments in this thread and really don't want to enter in long days controversy,so finally do what you think is the best for the future of Pcmark,I will doing with
  16. Ok the cap has been here from the beggining but storage technology changed since this time,and if you just say"ok pcm05 is to old,not representative anything now so the only way is to remove it" I think you also should open a thread and poll(or simply do action to kill it) for the old,but one of Massman favorite's toy,3DM01 because old vga did equal or better score than newer vga(so finally what it is representative),like PCM05 it is very tweak sensitive and these tweaks aren't known by all OC'ers(i don't see any thread to reveal tweaks here)but oddly there's any controversy,and what think about the validation of the ultra bugged,binding Unigine(DX11 screen resolution,language,integrated audio activation etc) ... To be clear i don't want to create another controversy but just show off that the subject can be enlarge to other software and at the end we're staying with 3 benchmarks for playing,is it enough or it will be better to keep rules up to date with technology and so keep a large choice of toys to play and have fun. To stay under the cap limit I use ATTO during the start up test but I never obtain the same results one time it's good,one time not so that's why I think knopflerbruce idea's could be a good alternative.
  17. No need to instal RivaTuner to use D3D Overider,a portable solution without installation could be download here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4F41ORNN Edit: I use PowerToy for WME9 tweak with those settings:
  18. Oups ,good to know
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