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Everything posted by slaske6

  1. nemlig riska de er bare nogle der ikke kan tåle at blive slagtet af dig carsten :-)
  2. sam can u tell me this is not a bug ,on lams submision here ??? all other have 200 more speed on there 5690x http://hwbot.org/submission/2634578_chi_kui_lam_wprime___32m_core_i7_5960x_1sec_953ms
  3. can u tell me why it is bug strategossan
  4. thanks m8 and wee are talking about to cut leg 3 vcc am i correkt m8 http://pdf1.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/view/166434/AD/ADT7473.html
  5. ha ha så kan de lære det carsten
  6. what are you smoking . u are only running 1539 mhz and not 6078 mhz
  7. does anybody have the cold slow bios 4 gtx 285 ref , bugs around -60 :-(
  8. il do better next week then of coarse i will dellete this
  9. something to gain on 2d . else then wprime ???
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