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TAGG last won the day on August 30 2022

TAGG had the most liked content!

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  1. Only took 13 Years for trinity to be part of the 8G club, huge archivement
  2. That's because it isn't on cascade, i just forgot to change the CPU cooling from previous submission
  3. TAGG

    [EU] HD 5830s

    Some more Cheap hypers added (And SOLD)
  4. The (dead) asus MX 400 on the pic
  5. TAGG

    [EU] HD 5830s

    Up, 478 to 775 gone, added a pot and some i-RAMs (again)
  6. TAGG

    [EU] HD 5830s

    Added some rare adapters
  7. I got a few modern ish ideas: X265 4K, 2-4-6-8 Cores DDR4 only 3D01, IGP (desktop HW only) all out, 4 Scores Geekbench4 singlecore, Celeron CPUs only, unique sockets, 4 scores Firestrike, Tahiti single GPU, 4 Scores
  8. TAGG

    [EU] HD 5830s

    Hypers even cheaper now
  9. TAGG

    [EU] HD 5830s

    Added my old i5 as it's no longer needed as a cascade 3D chip
  10. TAGG

    [EU] HD 5830s

    Added some really cheap hyper kits
  11. The link needs to show the little "valid" checkbox, please rebench and make sure it does if possible :)
  12. 0MHz will certianly help a bunch for a dogpile :D
  13. TAGG

    [EU] HD 5830s

    Soltek gone, last pricedrop on the hypers
  14. Proper apex with proper mem clocks :)
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