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Everything posted by Dancop

  1. I already tried with 2400 - no change...just less points! Here's my d3doverrider:
  2. How do I use it? Must it be installed with Rivatuner or is it enough to run it itself?
  3. Hopefully it's the solution! Here are some benches in 64bit!
  4. Still the same problem with 5770!!! What could it be?
  5. Yeah! I dont really know what the problem has been, but changing the BCLK was the solution
  6. Yes it is! I haven't tested it under ln2! I was able to run 5655 superpi 1m! It can run 1m with 5ghz and 1.224v! 4/8! And trust me...55xx in 3dm01 is also possible! :-D
  7. Problem Solved!!! Raise Your Bclk And 3dm03 Flies!!!
  8. I'm talking about 12000 points which are missing!
  9. What are your driver settings?
  10. Ok...tomorrow i will do so! Hopefully it helps!
  11. Tested also with stock clocks! No change! Normally I must get 60000+, but I only get 48000!
  12. Dancop`s 3DMark05 score: 36172 marks with a Radeon HD 5770 Dancop`s 3DMark05 score: 47216 marks with a Radeon HD 5770 :D:D But what do I do wrong in 03??????????
  13. Nope...i meant another one...05 seems to be cleared http://hwbot.org/submission/2343969_dancop_3dmark05_radeon_hd_5770_35691_marks
  14. The results above are made with modded xp and same driver!
  15. Soooo... Here two results: ontheair`s 3DMark05 score: 35669 marks with a Radeon HD 5770 ontheair`s 3DMark03 score: 61241 marks with a Radeon HD 5770 I had the same freqs except the cpu...mine was running 5GHz In 05 34388 In 03 47187 Same OS and same driver - now it's your turn!
  16. Tested all drivers right now! What is the trick? D3doverrider?
  17. Hey fellows, I can't really understand, what my problems are!!! Please help me, raising my points! Here are some submissions from me in these two benchmarks: 3d03: http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2251848_dancop_3dmark03_radeon_hd_7970_152941_marks http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2341562_dancop_3dmark03_2x_radeon_hd_5770_89232_marks http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2339718_dancop_3dmark03_radeon_hd_5770_49029_marks 3d05: http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2335375_dancop_3dmark05_radeon_hd_7970_48074_marks http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2339699_dancop_3dmark05_radeon_hd_5770_32865_marks Here are some comparable submissions: 3d03: http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2178776_joemehnert_3dmark03_radeon_hd_5770_61545_marks http://www.hwbot.org/submission/937861_tiborrr_3dmark03_radeon_hd_5770_61586_marks http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2339388_zeropluszero_3dmark03_radeon_hd_5770_62018_marks http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2336345_joshua7_3dmark03_2x_radeon_hd_5770_109345_marks http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2287576_beepbeep2_3dmark03_2x_radeon_hd_5770_110153_marks http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2270279_joe_cool_3dmark03_radeon_hd_7970_178692_marks 3d05: http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2327922_mcnico63_3dmark05_radeon_hd_7970_49541_marks http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2145085_tobi1978_3dmark05_radeon_hd_5770_34848_marks http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2139669_teemto_3dmark05_radeon_hd_5770_34820_marks http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2135570_ole_cm87_3dmark05_radeon_hd_5770_34780_marks http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2177227_psycofreud_3dmark05_radeon_hd_5770_34760_marks I've tested nearly everything, but nothing helps! LOD till 40, HT disabled and so on!!! Please guys, help me! I don't really know, what else is to be done to get right results! In 3d06, vantage, 3d11 and unigine, my system works great, which means it should be efficient - so what should be my problem? Thanks in advance and best regards Daniel
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