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Everything posted by Dancop

  1. Nope! I was able to reproduce it with just 3749 points! No bug in there! You just need to know, how to run unigine :-D
  2. Need more cold on GPU! Temporarily we have -6°C outside...I was able to run with 1455MHz on GPU, but BSOD at 26°C GPU! Next week we'll have -16°C maybe...so I'll put a bit more on it!
  3. 0°C ambient - 6°C GPU IDLE and 28°C load!
  4. GREAT!!! Which BIOS have u used therefore? I don't even see my two versions, I have on my Lightnings!
  5. It is true guys!!! You don't believe it??? Test it! This weekend I'll get my lightning and will place the computer outside @ -6°C as known from me! Then I wont to break 1400 with it!
  6. Costs ?
  7. Yes..that's it...I just got a chiller, that does -36°c!!! But I never test it right now..therefore I need that Sandy!
  8. Hä? What do you mean...Ivy I have already! Can do 6620, but I need a Sandybridge for some other benchies with aother cooling
  9. Hi guys, I'm searching a Sandybrige, that can handle more than 5,7GHz+ 3D stable! Regards Dancop
  10. Here's with driver 12.4 http://hwbot.org/submission/2281115_
  11. I thought so too, but watch at the gpu score! It is much Lower than with 3960x @ 5250!
  12. Doesn't matter...trade it anyway...
  13. Thanks man...thanks a lot...it was a hard work, respectively a cold room here!
  14. Who is tones? How can I contact him?
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