hi guys,
first time for me, running a single stage.
it runs perfectly, but coretemp shows positive temperatures in Windows. ..it's more than positive!
the evap has minus 50 degrees and the cpu at just 4.5 ghz and 1.26 volts 30 degrees plus through coretemp...this can't be true!
the 3960x is pretested by hazzan and can do 5635@1.585!
i was able to run 5400 under water...now under ss i have too much problems.
coretemp shows positive temps. at 5500 load it shows 60 degrees plus, while the evap has minus 46 degrees!
so i think it's a wrong readout...does anyone have that before, too?
hazzan said...under 28 degrees minus it's too cold...so if i can believe the evap, I'm too cold, or could it be, that the cpu is so damn hot???