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Everything posted by Evocarlos

  1. hey the youtube vid is for cold bug mod (lol you edited^) if its the same controller as the gd 85 then heres a link to the gd-85 volt mod http://www.benchtec.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=5854 also consider if the max is 1.7v in the bois you have the voltage dipper for 0.2v i know with the gd -80 if you set 1.7v in the bios then click the dipped you get like 1.88v just test it out say set the voltage in the bois at 1.1v then probe the V-read point click the cpu dipper and probe again im sure its a 0.2v jump cant really check as the triergy i had the dr mos blew up when they got wet
  2. is the pwm controler chip a up6218 ?
  3. my feelings can be denoted by my avatar
  4. right ive made a menu for the chil flash and fix,d the commands to save and update the .txt file can be d/l from here and run from a msdos usb pen and by running chilocp.bat from the command line http://rapidshare.com/files/409025639/CHL8266.zip.html
  5. hey bz i thought i was going crazy while trying to flash the chil yesterday im glad you have posted this here so i can reply atm your banned on the xsys so could not reply to you i have made .bat files to run the commands (backup.bat) chilflsh -t CHL8266 -b SaveSettings.txt (mod.bat) chlflash -t chl8266 chilocp.txt (restore.bat) chlflash -t chl8266 SaveSettings.txt im sure with the addtion of choise.com i make this in to a menu like my 5870 bios flasher you think it would be worth it ? oh and thanks for the files so far
  6. nice clocks for an l2 stepping
  7. nope not got to the cap mod yet theres a tread on benchtec i,ll keep that updtaed if you want to folow that
  8. thanks rex gave me some trouble but i got it sorted now nb pwm got wet the card has the cbb mod and cold slow bios i did do a vmem mod but the image from msi was wrong so when the mod was active the ram just cacked it so need to find the right mod and redo the mem bit i also want to flash the chill controler to remove ocp/ovp for 1000mhz core i used 1.1v and for 1100mhz core 1.2v (just under) not got much ln2 left now so might be next week before i can get a shipment in and go again
  9. hey it workd fine i had to add the gpu code to the rivatuner cfg but once that was done i manage to get lod working thanks for the help devilek
  10. cool will give it a try thanks for the heads up
  11. ok so how the hell do we get lod to work with the 480gtx tryed all manner of apps and setting but still cant get lod to work is this an issue that can be fix'd maybe driver related or am i stuck with out lod ? any heads up carlos....
  12. thanks j sure wish i had an e8600 that did over 6.03 tho yeah the outdooracade is working ok but the captube its short leading to -95 to -90c final evap temps not really played with the 480 yet that was just a quick 10min run with the gpu on air going to do the mods soon and retry you know thats what im doing as long as the ln2 lasts there should be lots of scores this weekend
  13. nice one dR push for moar you gotta beat me your so close
  14. hey the voltage was just pre set from a bios save with another chip when running dice/cascade 1.8-1.9v is fine i still cant belive your using one of these chips in a rig
  15. hey it was a acard 9010 theres a pic on this link http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1007624_evocarlos_pcmark_2005_core_2_e4600_2.4ghz_22749_marks
  16. this cpu is now avalable to buy retail so it gets points when the cpu is not avalable to buy (not out yet) then it gets no points cant find and easyer way to say it back on topic nice work andre
  17. nice work T.D looks like a nice chip
  18. same controller but diffrent layout for soldering point i have used your image and marked the 2 points you can use with out having one i cant say what vr to use but if its anything like the gd-85 it would be 20k or 50k vr
  19. what about setting the default cooling in your profile.... most of mine are with cascade very few air/ss subs but still have it selctable in the submistion page
  20. gd85 cold boot mod vid ovp is easy on the upi chips
  21. gd85 vcore mod http://www.benchtec.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?p=71905#post71905 just uploading the vid to utube for the cb mod on the gd 85
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