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Everything posted by stivut

  1. Thank you, dear friend:)! It's all about RAM and a lot of tweaks. If you need any help, we can talk in PM's. I just liked your winner spirit:)! Have a nice day!
  2. That's the spirit! Wanderfull:)! I'll try again with Dominator 2800 MHz CL9 in the afternoon.
  3. Thanks:)! I think this is my upper limit with this cpu. May be the next one will run faster...I hope:)!
  4. CPU damaged. Can't run the test even at 5150 MHz:(. Gratz, my friend:)! I'm done here...for now.
  5. HyperPi32k is NOT HyperPi32M, my friend=)))
  6. Gratz,buddy:)! YOU are No.1, not me. I was wrong, like I always do=))
  7. Ti-am mai zis o data! Scorul e cel afisat in fereastra de validare, adica 937,3!!!
  8. M-am uitat un pic mai atent, si vad ca forte multi au postat la fel ca mine, nicidecum scorul average. M-am uitat la reguli si am vazut ca e corect asa cum spui tu. Dar daca nu schimba toti de deasupra mea, nu schimb nici eu:))!
  9. Nu m-am uitat sa vad cum au postat ceilalti, dar nu-i bai, pot sa refac oricand! Multumesc pt atentionare:)!
  10. Scorul e 934.8, nu 14.65. Editeaza!
  11. Edit your score, my friend! The time is 20 minutes, not 2 minutes!!!
  12. Awesome chip, my friend:)! I feel like I wanna cut myself=))))!
  13. Ma bucur sincer ca ai remarcat ca e cel mai bun scor pe apa:)!
  14. Old submission, can't you see?? I'll delete right now! Now listen to me: you will never make any submission of any kind on HWBot, without prooving me with video, beginning with windows installation! I'm gonna hunt you forever, because you really pissed me off, my friend!!! Do you know anything else then pcmark05???...I doubt!
  15. What about this one http://hwbot.org/submission/2316261_topdog_pcmark_2005_core_2_e8400_(3.0ghz)_66430_marks ??
  16. I deleted because it was reported, and I want to se no more rep[orted scors in my account!
  17. No benchmark files replacing needed for TE, my friend!
  18. Cheeting about what? What about gluvocio's submission http://www.3dmark.com/pcm05/3168315 ? Do you think audio compression 33xxx can be achieved without cheeting? I don't thik so...Only futuremark submission can be cheeted! I'll delete my submission, but I'm waiting for some good resons from you.
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