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wish i hadn't killed my good chip in rumble 7 it would have been perfect for 1m run right now, now i got this replacement chip that's not worth 2 cents because it sucks. the only use i have for it right now is gaming

Posted (edited)

Guess my 4770k deserves some rest.

It won't even take XTU like it used to anymore,

and basically lost the ability to run anything other than 100 BCLK :/

Still rock stable at 4.8G rendering on Vray, so it's not a complete loss...


I'm not saying XTU is the reason why it "fried" a little but this bench is a bit too demanding

for the RR in my opinion.

Why not replace it with something a bit softer like Cinebench? AMD guys have it ;)

Edited by S4ch4Z

ya I hoping to see different stuff this go around xtu and prime are pretty much haswell benchmarks and 1m is all about who got the fastest cpu would be nice to see a more rounded benchmark rumble


We can exchange HWBOT Prime, but XTU should stay. The Rookie Rumble was founded to introduce the new overclockers who get to know overclocking via XTU to the competition structure at HWBOT.


Cinebench instead of HWBOT Prime ?


Too bad XTU must stay...

It's the only bench I consider truely horrible for a highly OC'd CPU.

You can literally hear it suffer, and I'm never putting any of my future chips to go through this ever again.


Definitely not suited for rookies, but rather experienced clockers!

It's no secret anymore that you have to downclock your CPU to complete it past some point

where your CPU will go beyond it's thermal limit and won't handle the ammount of stress through the whole bench...


IMHO, XTU is pointless when put in the RR context, since dipping your rad in ice cold water

and using 2400+ RAM seem to be the only way to score high enough to matter!


Don't take it the wrong way, terms and bench panel are up to you.

But I highly doubt I'll participate to the next edition if XTU is still featured...


i'v gave up with these benchmarks don't have the money to drop on new hardware to even try scoreing better, would need a 4770k or 4790k for xtu and g3258 for prime. and 1m dosnt matter any cpu works here

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