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Mr.Scott - DDR SDRAM @ 300.7MHz - 300.7 MHz Memory Clock


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Maybe try to put this motherboard to LN2 (LOL) to minimize every little resistances, inductances and conductances. :P We know how it hurts - no way to pass this 0.1 MHz. Keep pushin'! :) Seriously - try LN2 on NB or single stage or even TEC, it may help :) Maybe adding a lot small capacitors with very low ESR would also help (on vNB, vMEM and vRefMem). I have no more ideas...


BTW. what kind of black caps you have here? Are these black-painted in manufacturing process or this is a visual-mod?

Edited by ludek
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BTW. what kind of black caps you have here? Are these black-painted in manufacturing process or this is a visual-mod?


LOL. It's a long story.

I had a few AN7's at one time. This one I got off e-bay for dirt cheap. Everything was painted in florescent paint by what appeared to be a 2 year old. It clocked better than my other ones so I kept it, but couldn't stand to even look at it. So I covered all the paint with a black permanent marker. It made it more palatable to me. Vain?; maybe, but at least it doesn't hurt to look at anymore.

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