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Posted (edited)

My Asus TXP4-X board is interesting piece of hardware and when I made it overclock it's FSB to 83MHz sucesfully (pusing my P90 to 125MHz :D ), then I begin to comparing with others. It is not that bad, in the end:


SuperPi 1M

125Mhz - http://hwbot.org/submission/2975859_ (second)


SuperPi 32M

125MHz - http://hwbot.org/submission/2971047_ (second)



125MHz - http://hwbot.org/submission/2975973_ (second)


...however with the recommendation from Dead Things, I try Windows NT. Whoa, much faster! :D And they can be optimized HARD - booting into 1024x768x256 colors and needing only 10.3MB of ram ATM. Not bad, IMHO. However the SuperPi 32M test is much slower under WinNT that under WinXP. I believe that the reason is deadly slow swapping and in general - lack of the memory.


I remember when TerraRaptor made the suggestion for slow runs to limit the ram available. Hmmm. In guide and theory, the Asus TXP4-X is limited to 256MB ram, witch is LESS that SuperPi 32M run need. There is no way except increase the speed of HDD (6.4MB/sec is not exactly fast: http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=145530 )...


But then I remember that previous owner claimed, that he made the board run with 384MB of ram. So I contacted him and todays I recieved the rams he used... and yes! In one combination a 384MB of ram is possible! That is great, because now SuperPi 32M can run the whole test in the RAM! :) Hoooray!


So I set it up and... it looks good. The 1st place guy has the initial value finished in 10min 9sec:


Totocellux owns: http://hwbot.org/submission/757446_


Now under WinXP, I got the initial value done in 10min 17sec. But under WinNT it goes with 9min something at 256MB ram, but with 384MB ram it gives time just 8min 42sec!




...so that show a promise, is not it?


Now, at loop 4, where Totocellux need 2h 27min 7sec, I need only 2h 20min 59sec:




...so now I just wonder, if his 133.6MHz will beat me in the long run or not. What are your bets, gentlemans?

Edited by trodas

Update: Loop 23 is done and by 13h 5min 24.091sec. Totocellux need 13h 32min 6.035sec for that ;) Looks pretty good... :)




TerraRaptor -

Loop 24 not exact!


Nah, this is not going to happen, the machine is quite stable and L2 is disabled by the chipset settings, as it refuse to work reliably at 83MHz... ;)



xxbassplayerxx - some O/C ironic humor is going on there :) Hopefully it turn out to be good... ;)



speed.fastest -

run the OS in SSD and Paging File in SSD maybe can help a lot


Yes, given the 6.4MB/sec "HDD" I use it could most definitively help a lot, as you can see there: http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=145530'>http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=145530

However I still waiting for the delivery of the DeLock 91620 PATA to CF adapter (SanDisk Extreme PRO 32G CF card is waiting on my desk, dying to run as HDD in the Asus TXP4-X) and to top that out, SanDisk refused my request about providing a tool to switch the CF card from removable to fixed device and no-one was much helpfull yet.


But this is for that topic ( http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=145530 ) discussion. Any help will be really appreciated there.


So yes, I'm ready to re-run this with the best/fastest possible device I manage to connect to the board. It can do PIO4 (16.7MB/sec) and DMA2 (also 16.7MB/sec) and I hoping to reach such speeds.

Posted (edited)

...and, here we have a result: http://hwbot.org/submission/2978646_


14h 3min 27.130sec - last best score beated by nearly 30min :D


Super_Pi_32_M_14_3_27_130.png Super_Pi_32_M_14_3_27_130_screen2.png


Funny, tough, how the CPU-Z get completely haywire with the ram. Showing 640MB of ram - LOL! No comment. Gotta see, what latest CPU-Z will report :) And I have already means to improve the speed, even w/o changing the cursed slow HDD - I get a PCI card ATI Rage XL that does work well (in Socket 7 board with Pentium 1 - who would have quessed that?), and surely it have faster writing operations = even just by that the score get faster :D


So one way or another, that score is going down :D


(not to mention I still did not use/learned the waza thing...)

Edited by trodas
added infos

Thanks, mate. I plan on making it even better, but looks like the overal optimism, that the ATI Rage XL works, was premature. When the card is inserted, WinXP is not booting (complaining that the ere are DLLs that cannot be loaded for kernel) and even Windows install CD fail to work on "kdcom.dll cannot be loaded", witch seems to be issue, when HDD is not working well.


Time to tweak the bios settings or get stuck with S3 Trio64 w/o ram upgrade to 2MB = 800x600x16 ONLY in WinXP :(((((

(I want XP to see, what latest CPU-Z will say about the memory - 640MB = LOL )

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