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WTB cascade builder closest to denmark

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sorry but I dont know where to put this thread

I saw a thread where a single stage builder come from germany

and I have a leak in stage 2 on my custom cascade from tom holck ,and

here in denmark we have not one single guy to fix it.

so I was thinking maybe someone here know a builder near denmark,because

I have to drive from dk in my car ,I also have 2 single stage they need service

Im in good time when I cant go before the end of sommer/august


cheers carsten


When dealing with local techs and cascades it is best to use terms that are familiar to them.


Just refer to it as a "condensing unit" and just say it has a leak.


Let them find and seal leak, do not go into how exotic or special it is.


Tell them the condensing unit is on the bench and very easy to access.


You can also tell them it is a low temp unit and ask what gas choices do you have.


yes my mistake was I talk too much so they didnt want to take the risk with it,but still if I fix the leak here in denmark.I still

need a specialist to fill gas and load it.I know the gas it has, but not the pressure


Stick with "low temp condensing unit" and request the gas you need, you need less than 1oz.


Adjust the charge to 10PSI while running and that should give you good capacity, let some gas out if you want colder but try not to go into a vacuum.

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