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7700k over 5.0 ghz, are these temps too high?, also RAM stability


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Hello dear fellas!

I've been looking for answers on other forums untill i discovered this forum, heard that the most knowledgable and proffesional people around the world are here, so i better join this community and get help from you guys.


So i've got an 7700k, currently at 5.0 ghz, 1.270V in bios, and while stress testing checked with HWinfo64 im getting an actualy 1.260V, it passed 2 hours of RealBench, while hottest core was during the test peaking at 72C, while others between 67 and 70.

My 7700K is delidded with collaboratory liquid ultra, and this is the cooling:


RS360 RASA 750 kit. bought it years back but i did change water, pump, and cleaned it a few times.

And still isn't the temp too high?



Also i have g.skill ripjaws V at 3600Mhz CL 14-15-15-32 2T running on 1.44V DRAM, and VCCIO 1.19V, VCSSA 1.2V.

I just get a small stutter once in a few hours, i think system is mostly stable but maybe ram isn't fully, what can i increase to grant it more stability other than VRAM? beacause increasing Vcore doesn't change the small stutter, its def the ram, its just almost stable, like something small would help, but i don't want to jump to 1.46Vram and no small jumps are available.

Also if i'd want to get to 5.2 Ghz, i'd need 1.385Vcore, what could i actually add voltage to, to decrease vcore and keep stablity? maybe PCH Voltage? or i shouldn't touch it at all? what about other voltages? Thanks ahead!

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Interesting background, Donald seems happy ,us 2 :D.


Can you post your pc configuration ,mobo /bios ,fans you use /rpm .

Temps are very high,i have custom water cooling but even on my ek predator 240 at 1.5v cinebench my temps are under 65 degrees.

Put pll voltage to 1.1 or as low as 1.00 if it doesn't affect stability.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

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Interesting background, Donald seems happy ,us 2 :D.


Can you post your pc configuration ,mobo /bios ,fans you use /rpm .

Temps are very high,i have custom water cooling but even on my ek predator 240 at 1.5v cinebench my temps are under 65 degrees.

Put pll voltage to 1.1 or as low as 1.00 if it doesn't affect stability.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


Hey thank you for your reply!

I use 2 Push fans, which honestly i don't remember their module, and 2 pull fans named Scythe Slip Stream on maximum RPM, (they how like 110CM or something around that). all fans are working on maximum, i also have 2 CM FAns that push cold air inside, they came with my CM Storm Stryker case, and 1 CM fan at the back.

All fans are working on maximum RPM.

I can actually feel the hot air comming out of the 2 slip stream fans blowing it out of the top.


About the PLL, i don't have any setting for pll, except overclock pll overvoltage which only lets me add voltage, but not set an actual voltage manually.

mobo is Z170X-UD3 by gigabyte, Bios version F21. (latest).

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Just run ram at its native and clock cpu as high it can go. Once cpu is stable then tuch ram. You won't be determine where the instability. Seems low v core to me.... but further test with prime at least 3 hours. Keep post results


Thats what i did from the beginning.

CPU clock > RAM > Uncore

CPU was fully stable and i even added just a little vcore to make sure.

Its def the ram, but why the temps are so high on a loop and delidded..

Also ive got another question, what are these ram voltages?

DRAM training voltage

DDRVPP Voltage

DRAM Termination voltage


And what would be a safe range for them, and the reason to up those voltages?

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